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“Education is more than just conveying content” – Weilheim and the surrounding area

Kirchheim. For Renata Alt, member of the Bundestag of the FDP, education is one of the central future tasks of the state. Even if you can be proud of an efficient, three-tier school system here in Baden-Württemberg, in Renata Alt’s opinion you unfortunately have to say that Baden-Württemberg has clearly fallen behind in the state rankings under the green-black state government. As a city councilor in Kirchheim, Renata Alt sits on the Committee for Education, Social Affairs and Citizen Service, the Expert Forum on Early Childhood Education and the Steering Committee on Digitization. Here she can find out firsthand what shortcomings there are in the education system. She is convinced: “A reform of educational federalism is urgently required so that the federal government and the states can work together to ensure and further develop the education system.” Because, according to Alt, education is so much more than simply conveying learning content.

Education is the basis for social advancement and a self-determined life. It is not the parental home or the place of residence that should determine the future prospects of children and young people. According to the FDP politician, all children should have the opportunity to gain social advancement through education. In the Corona crisis, however, it had become abundantly clear that there was a lack of corners and edges. In schools, too, Germany must finally catch up with the world’s best when it comes to digitization. Nationwide final exams for the secondary school leaving certificate and the Abitur as well as high-quality educational standards are essential. Teachers must be made fit for digital teaching with modern training and further education.

The half-life of the German education system has long been exceeded. Vocational training has regrettably receded in the public perception, which in the eyes of Renata Alt, however, urgently needs to change. The Free Democrats wanted to promote the best ideas for the future of vocational training with high-ranking awards and multi-year grants through a nationwide so-called excellence competition. She is also committed to ensuring that schools arrive in the 21st century. And that needs more money, which ultimately also reaches the schools. If one percentage point of the existing VAT revenue were also invested in education, according to the FDP, an additional 2.5 billion euros would be available for the education sector.
“It’s money well spent,” says Bundestag member Renata Alt. She also wants to have this demand in her luggage when the voters go to the polls on September 26th and cast their votes. pm

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