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Education in Tuy region: Reopening of schools brings hope back to small villages

Like other regions of Burkina Faso, the Hauts-Bassins region which brings together 03 regions is a target for terrorist groups. Which led to several towns in the area being evacuated. Thanks to the efforts of the army and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), these areas were resettled and the children found their way back to school. On Friday 4 October 2024, we went to see the effectiveness of reopening some schools and the challenges facing students and teachers.

A rural capital in the Tuy region, national road 1 crosses Koumbia Municipality. This area experienced the first terrorist attacks in the year 2022. This led to the evacuation of certain towns and the closing of schools. After leaving Bobo-Dioulasso on our Aloba motorbike as part of this report, my partner and I arrived there after about two hours of driving. Direct the territorial brigade of the National Gendarmerie to report our presence and receive the latest instructions for our mission. After about ten minutes of one-on-one time with the Brigade Commander, we are at the inspection of the association’s Basic Education Area (CEB) where we find a group of inspectors.
At the end of the talks, another journey begins in the company of one of them whom we call “the guide”, who is also an inspector at the CEB of the Koumbia society. It is with him that we will go on a tour of the resettled towns where the 2024-2025 school year will take place. Previously, we received statistics and other timely information from our guide. The first area visited, we call it Alpha I for security reasons. There, two schools have reopened their doors. To reach this town, we faced the polluted condition of the road. Fields of corn, cotton and other crops along the way give us confidence about the presence of people in this town. It is also proof that security has indeed returned and that producers have been able to plant their fields.
“Everybody’s Here”
The town of Alpha I was still under the influence of terrorism for a while. Today, it is an old memory. The first public primary school in the town welcomes 368 students per school year in 6 classes with 9 teachers. All the classrooms are reopened and children are running in all directions, bumping into each other on the school grounds. Obviously, they are happy to be back in the classroom. The teachers, for their part, are under a big tree. Both surprised and happy, students and teachers welcome us with open arms. There is African hospitality. Along with our guide, we talk to MK, the director of the school who tells us that “the return is going very well. There hasn’t been a problem since we’ve been here. The students answered the call, and more are still coming to this day. Still according to him, “In the previous years he was so afraid, that some parents sent their children to school in other more secure towns; but this year many children came back.” “We can say that there is no more fear. Since it was taken over, there has never been a rest but a rather scary start,” he explains further. With the enthusiasm that is higher this year compared to the previous year, the first school in Alpha I town is facing a shortage of staff and the state of the infrastructure, again according to its first manager.
Just as our discussions with the latter were coming to an end, the head of the second school came to pay a polite visit to his colleague. Together with our guide, the principal of the second school takes us to his building. About a kilometer of road and we are there. At this point also the reopening is effective. The school has 4 classes namely CP1, CP2, CE2 and CM2 with an enrollment of 188 students for 04 teachers. Sanitation operations are underway to rid the school of tall grass and other litter. As at the first school, the first head of the school whom we call MD admits that “the beginning of the school year is going very well, because life has started again as usual. There is enthusiasm because the numbers are different from previous years. In the CP1 class for example, we have a population of about 60 students compared to 40 students last year. Children’s mental state is good due to increased awareness. It is also a fact that we have started again since last year inside the city in a borrowed building for security reasons. This year, we decided to return to our restored site as it had been vandalized and burned by terrorist groups.” MD is asking for support especially in terms of materials to ensure that it becomes a teaching objective. “For the Right now, we are reassured because everyone can sleep peacefully with the presence of the VDPs. Personally, I don’t have an office anymore. We ask for our managers to support us with a lot of materials to enable us to work efficiently,” he says.
Everyone is suspicious
We then head to another town, Alpha II. My colleague and I, together with our guide, took the 12 km of road that separates the two towns without knowing that our tools were going to break down several times. Worse, we get lost in the middle of the bus, because after traveling a few kilometers, we lose our way. Not knowing where we are, we take the risk of moving forward until we meet a teenager with whom we have difficulty communicating, due to our lack of language. After realizing that we are looking for the road to the town of Alpha II, she guides us through signs. Hope is reborn for a moment. Less than a kilometer of road later, we are still lost. By chance, we cross paths with two young shepherds. One of them decides to lead us on the main road that goes into the town, after a few moments of hesitation. We understand his concerns, the security situation in the area has made everyone suspicious. It is around 11 am when we see from the top of a small hill, the first houses in the town of Alpha II. We stop at the VDP checkpoint which is monitoring things, to introduce ourselves.
The flag of Burkina Faso flies in the school
After the usual greetings with the VDPs in the local language, we share with them the reasons for our mission. The village school had been closed after it was vandalized and burnt by the terrorists. After the update, all classes are now functional. There are 366 students and 7 teachers in the school. Our attention is immediately drawn to the flag flying in the school yard. Reopening the school logo. Although we were surprised by our presence, the director of the school tries to welcome us. He admits that he and his colleagues have been present since the beginning of the administrative year. “We started classes on October 1, 2024 like other schools in Burkina Faso. The students come quickly, because any return is difficult. Others didn’t even think we could start classes. It was from Thursday 3 October that there was some excitement. So we can say that the city is resettled and living. Confidence is high, we have received encouragement from our senior officers to be able to overcome the problems,” explained HS, the first head of the school who did not notice the problems the school is facing. “Schools were looted and burned. This means that we are facing a shortage of benches, desks, etc. We also need workers. Despite this, everyone is moved, that is the people, the authorities including the teachers who are on earth. We are sure that we can meet the challenge together,” we assure HS. It is 12 pm when we finish our interview with the school director. At the sound of the bell, the classrooms are empty and the students return home to return at 3pm for evening classes. The teachers also leave the classes and come to meet us. One of them says, “it’s not easy, but we’re here to do our job. There is no shortage of problems, but here we are. If you can apply so that we have the Orange phone network, that will help us a lot. After moments of commiseration with the instructors, we headed for the next village, Alpha III. Two pairs of VDPs are responsible for our security and their mission is to take us to Alpha III, which is about 15 km away.
We make a short visit to the VDP center before getting on our motorbikes. Forests, fields, rivers are our traveling companions. The journey takes about 45 minutes. In this city, the VDPs control all entrances and exits in real time. The school has 02 classes with 67 students. “Mr. Here, the recovery is scary even if there are students and teachers on site. “With everything that has happened, it is difficult for us to find our former students. Since the beginning of the administration year, we have been doing what is necessary for the children to come back, but it is a bit difficult. The proof is that we were only able to open two classes. There were almost no students at the third class who should have been CM2,” the school director laments. According to him, this situation is explained by the fact that students were re-enrolled elsewhere and some preferred to join the gold panning sites. HS admits that some students’ minds have changed. “There are children who have gone from polite, well-behaved children to disruptive children. And even those who have just arrived are already presenting themselves in the wrong way,” he emphasizes. While it ensures that the role of the educator and the psychologist that the teacher plays is certain in these situations in reshaping the students. As soon as the interview was over, we decided to go back. At the same time the sun was going to sunset so the sky was darkening, announcing a possible storm.
“We are working hard to overcome the problems”
In the three places visited, teachers and students are present and classes have started with the help of parents and VDPs. “During the administrative and educational visits, we identified the challenges facing these different schools and we are working to find solutions. We are raising awareness among employees with the aim of convincing them to return to their jobs, because there is nothing to fear anymore. In the coming days, we will open another school in a small town,” says our guide, an inspector.
He reassures him that the various complaints from teachers have been sent to those involved. “Teachers must understand that when we talk about suffering, citizenship, the fight against the country, that everyone has a place; They are, for example, the educational VDPs. We offer our encouragement and congratulations to all of them for the sacrifice that goes to the benefit of the entire Country,” he argues.

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