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Education in Corona times – can the school year still be saved?

The pressure during the Corona-Pandemie on Saxony The burden on schoolchildren is enormous: Weeks of buffalo at home, hardly any real contact with classmates and teachers. Children and young people as well as educators have to deal with new forms of learning. Parents groan under the care of their children Homeschooling. Amidst all these problems seems Saxony School policy difficult to grasp, it fluctuates between complete closure and exceptions for face-to-face teaching in final classes. The technology is not sufficiently available – or it does not work properly: the digital teaching system Lernsax keeps falling out. How should all this go on? Is an entire vintage lost? What needs to be improved, what can politics, teachers, parents and students still turn around now?

Student demands cutbacks in the Abitur exam

The next LVZ talk will deal with these and other questions – on Tuesday, January 26th, from 6 p.m. – live on LVZ.de. Saxony Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) comes into conversation with Marius Wittwer – The Leipzig student is demanding cuts in the exams for the Abi 2021 and has already collected over 1000 signatures. Also there: the Leipzig Parents’ Council chairwoman Nancy Hochstein such as Uschi Kruse (Teacher and state chairwoman of the Education and Science Union). Björn Meine will moderate; Readers can ask questions to the participants in the round. Due to the pandemic, the event will take place without an audience, but will be streamed live on lvz.de from 6 pm; The LVZ also reports in detail about the event in its subsequent print editions and on the website.

If you want to ask questions: by mail to [email protected] (subject: LVZ-Talk) or via Twitter under the hashtag #LVZTalk.

Also see these videos:

The LVZ Talk with Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer

The LVZ talk with Leipzig experts: How do we get through the Corona winter?

From lvz

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