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Education, family and equal opportunities as core concerns

Anita Maaß (FDP) in an interview: Education, family and equal opportunities as core concerns

Conversation Four questions about the state election on 1 September

Published on 13.08.2024


Region. BLICK.de asked various parties and their leaders four questions about the state elections on September 1st.

What projects does the FDP want to focus on in Saxony over the next five years?

We will create the framework for a strong economy and a modern, future-oriented society. We want to make investments in infrastructure faster and more cost-efficient. The most important task will be to end the educational crisis. We also want an activating social policy, above all better individual and targeted support for people. In our view, migration only works via the primary labor market. We need to remove hurdles here. We want more and better mobile youth work, especially in rural areas, strengthen outpatient care by adequately remunerating care services for their travel and ensuring local health care.

What demands do you have of federal politics with regard to the Free State?

We will solve Saxony’s problems primarily in Saxony. To this end, we will work at the federal and European level to ensure that a relief policy removes bureaucratic millstones from citizens’ necks and that cooperation with the administration is as uncomplicated and quick as possible for business and citizens. A financial policy that adheres to the debt brake and keeps taxes and levies low.

How do you imagine the cooperation and support of the municipalities in the Free State?

In our view, the relationship between the state and the municipalities must be based on partnership and on equal terms. Municipalities can no longer be supplicants to the Free State and depend on the golden reins of funding. Local self-government in the municipalities must be guaranteed. We are therefore committed to more flat-rate funding and want better digital offerings for citizens.

What will have changed in the Free State in five years?

Saxony will once again be an optimistic country, with hopeful citizens who are proud of what has already been achieved and want to build on that to achieve even more. Saxony will remain cosmopolitan and will therefore be attractive for corporate investment, a country in which people enjoy living and can fulfill their personal dreams.


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