Erfurt (dpa/th) – In response to the shortage of teachers in Thuringia’s schools, the state parents’ association believes that lateral entrants will continue to be required. “In the short term, this is the only option we have,” said state parent spokeswoman Claudia Koch of the German Press Agency. It takes many years to train teachers regularly at universities and for traineeships. With young teachers, the existing gaps in the schools could only be closed in the medium or even long term.
Koch said that the experiences of the parents’ representatives with the lateral entrants without a pedagogical degree were very different. “They’re mostly really good technically.” However, many of them would underestimate how much everyday school life is about the management of school classes. “Especially people who come from the universities often have great problems adjusting to the fact that they now have to pass on their knowledge to a fifth class.”
Nevertheless, the state parents’ association advocates the hiring of lateral entrants, said Koch. “Especially in science, we need everyone we can get.”
According to the Thuringian Ministry of Education, a total of 240 lateral entrants were hired as teachers in Thuringia between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022. This corresponds to 23.1 percent of new hires. Above all, the career changers are currently being used at regular and community schools. “In principle, lateral entrants are only hired if no trained specialist teacher can be found for a specific position,” the ministry said.
An application by the opposition CDU parliamentary group is currently being discussed in the Thuringian state parliament, in which, among other things, binding standards for the qualification and approval of lateral entrants are required. Among other things, a three-month introductory training is required before lateral entrants are to stand in front of a class for the first time. So far there are four-week courses. In addition, there should be mentors for the newcomers. The Ministry of Education also wants to discuss new training models with the universities.
Since the 2017/18 school year there has been the possibility of lateral entry into the teaching profession in Thuringia, at that time there were 30 candidates according to the Ministry of Education.
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