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Education – Dresden – State parent council criticizes Piwarz: No reliable statements – education

Dresden (dpa/sn) – The State Parents’ Council (LSR) has criticized statements by Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) that the corona pandemic has not produced a “lost generation” of schoolchildren. The ministry has not collected any solid data that would justify giving Saxon education policy a good rating. “We simply do not know where which child has which learning deficits,” said the LSR on Tuesday.

Piwarz had told the German Press Agency that no compromises had been made in the quality of the school leaving certificates in the Corona years 2020 and 2021. “We would only have produced a lost generation if we had offered a Notabitur, for example. But that didn’t happen.” However, he admitted that Corona acted as a brake in the school system: “It is all the more important to pick up speed now. We are already doing that.” It is now necessary to examine what the pandemic is doing to the school system in the medium and long term.

The State Parents’ Council now criticized that it was a “milkmaid assessment” to conclude from the final years to the entire school system. “In the face of the cancellation of classes, caused by a structural shortage of teachers and boundlessly reinforced by the pandemic years, it worries us to act as if we had everything under control.” Saxony needs an honest inventory, which requires solid scientific and independently collected data that allow reliable statements about the quality of the Saxon education system.

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