Berlin’s education senator Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD) assumes that there will be a strong upward trend among Ukrainian young people aged 16 and over who want to go to school in Berlin soon.
At the moment, 200 refugees from this age group are being accommodated in 15 welcome classes at the vocational schools, Busse explained on Thursday during a visit to an upper school center in Kreuzberg. Overall, the number of students from Ukraine in Berlin has now risen to 2400, 1100 of them went to regular classes.
There are now 50 welcome classes. “These are enormous numbers,” emphasized the SPD politician. “We still need more capacities, of course also help from the federal government, Berlin can’t handle everything.” Fortunately, a lot of experience has already been gained since 2015, when the first welcome classes were set up in Berlin. “They will benefit us now,” said Busse. The solidarity of the schools and daycare centers to take in more refugees is very great.
Since Monday, 15 young people from Ukraine have been attending a welcome class at the upper school center of the Hans Böckler School in Kreuzberg. In addition to German lessons, subjects such as English and mathematics are also on the agenda there.
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