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Education – Berlin – So far, few refugees from Ukraine at universities – Education

Berlin (dpa / bb) – So far, only a few refugees from Ukraine continue their regular studies in Berlin this summer semester. Up until Easter, ten students who came to Germany because of the war were enrolled at Freie Universität (FU), according to a FU spokesman. Three of them had previously studied at a Russian university. The university currently receives 10 to 20 corresponding inquiries per day.

According to its own statements, the Humboldt University in Berlin (HU) has received around 460 inquiries to a specially set up e-mail address, mostly from refugees who wanted to continue their studies. In fact, this is only possible for a “much smaller number”, explained a spokeswoman. The reason for this is usually insufficient German language skills.

In order to be admitted, students need the appropriate access authorization – for example the general higher education entrance qualification. In addition, they would have to have studied in Ukraine for a year or two in order to be able to apply to a German university, explained the FU spokesman.

Alternatively, refugees could enroll as so-called program students at Humboldt University – although no degree is possible there, they have access to language courses, the library or the canteens, for example. The prerequisite for this is, among other things, that they have recognized residence status and are enrolled at a Ukrainian university.

This gives you the chance to successfully apply for regular courses, according to the HU. Refugees will be enrolled as program students until the end of April.

The summer semester officially started about two weeks ago. Lectures will start on Tuesday (April 19). The universities in the federal capital want to offer classroom teaching to a large extent.

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