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education assistants protest tomorrow and promise a disrupted start of the school year

The National Education sector is back in protests, while there is still more than a month before the start of the school year. The education assistants are organizing a sit-in on Thursday in front of the annex of the ministry in Ruisseaux (Algiers), to protest against the version of the draft revision of the special status of workers in the sector.

At the end of a meeting of its national secretariat held earlier this week in Sétif, the National Union of Education Supervisors and Assistants (SNSAE), denounced the version prepared by the commission in charge of the revision of status. A text which “legislates the policy of professional apartheid between categories subject to a single status”, writes the union in a press release.

Feeling “aggrieved” compared to the other categories, the educational assistants regret that “none of (their) proposals are taken into account by the commission”.

They announce a series of protest actions “beginning with a sit-in in front of the annex of the ministry in Ruisseaux, Thursday July 29 from 9:00 am”. Moreover, the union promises a disrupted return to school next September, since it plans to start “a strike on the first day”, followed by rallies. The SNSAE also announces “the boycott” of the preparations linked to the start of the school year.

Concretely, the education assistants call on the guardianship “to review the articles” concerning their category in the text of the statute, “to take into account” its proposals, in particular with regard to “recruitment, integration, promotions, the definition of missions” in addition to the benefit of the transitional provisions, and finally “to settle the case of civil servants integrated into the primary cycle”.

Deploring “exclusion and marginalization”, the union of education assistants calls on all unions to boycott the work of the commission in charge of drawing up the new special status, until the revision of the articles concerning this category.

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