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Education and emancipation | H-Soz cult. Communication and specialist information for the historical sciences | History on the Internet

Judith Goetz, Social Inequality and Political Education, University of Innsbruck

13.11. – 16.11.2024
University of Innsbruck, Ágnes Heller House

Conference program

Pre-Conference for young scientistsinside and interested parties*

All of the rooms listed are on the 1st floor of the Ágnes Heller House, the Audimax on the 1st basement.

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

14:00 – 14:30: Arrive, Register, Get Together (Seminar Room 7)

14:30 – 16:30:

Workshop 1: Critical Remembrance Initiative

Teresa Dehling, Max Münßinger, Daniel Günther
The workshop will use the example of the anti-Semitic attack on Shlomo Lewin and Frida Poeschke on December 19, 1980 in Erlangen to address the continuities of right-wing terror and the way society deals with it. Forms of commemoration and their affirmative or critical character are discussed.

(Seminar room 7)

16:30 – 17:00: Pause

17:00 – 18:30:

Panel 1: Critical political education

Felix Kirchhof (Cologne): (Extremism) prevention and (critical) (political) education – relationships and implications
Esther Röcher (Frankfurt aM): Critical political education in easy language? – On the relationship between critical and inclusive political education
Moderation: Daniel Burghardt

(Seminar room 13)

Panel 2: Emancipation and transformation

Jule Janczyk (Tübingen): Power. Domination. Theory. Thinking about education and emancipation with Bourdieu and Rancière
Tobias Wucherer (Innsbruck): Subjective destitution and sublimation as educational and emancipation theoretical categories for analyzing processes of cultural transformativity
Moderation: Judith Goetz

(Seminar room 12)

19:00 – 21:00: Dinner at Gusto Pizzeria, Müllerstr. 12 (self-payment)

21:00: Pub evening in Cafe Jolly, Müllerstr. 21 (self-payment)

Thursday, November 14th, 2024

09:30 – 11:30:

Workshop 2: Research group on ideologies and politics of inequality

In addition to general aspects of right-wing extremism and its precursors (ideologies of inequality), pedagogical principles and challenges will be discussed in the workshop.

(Seminar room 11)

12:00 – 13:30:

Panel 3: Perspectives critical of ideology

Carl Dewald (Flensburg): The penchant for the “old normality”. How conformism serves as a starting point for ideological radicalization
Daniel Günther (Erlangen): The transformation of pedagogy into sociology. State, society and nation as the subject of a contemporary “education after Auschwitz” in the context of the memory of right-wing violence
Moderation: Judith Goetz

(Seminar room 11)

Panel 4: Gender and discrimination

Constanze Euler, Elke Szalai, Marlies Wallner, Viktoria Stifter (Burgenland): Sexual harassment at universities: Between emancipation through educational work and the limits of hierarchical structures
Tim Schinschick (Potsdam/Braunschweig): “Basic for Eva”? On the discourse about gender inequalities in computer education in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s and 1990s
Moderation: Benedikt Drexel

(Seminar room 12)

14:00: Arrive, Register, Get Together (Seminar Room 7)

15:30: Opening and welcome

Daniel Burghardt, Judith Goetz, Nina Rabuza, Benedikt Drexel (organizational team)

16:00 – 18:00:

Opening keynote: Rolf Pohl (Hannover): Delusion and reality in the “post-factual age”. The manipulation of social perception patterns in anti-Semitism and anti-feminism
Moderation: Judith Goetz


18:00 – 19:00: Buffet (Mensa Ágnes-Heller-Haus)

Freitag, 15.11.2024

10:00 – 11:15:

Keynote: Astrid Messerschmidt (Wuppertal): Connected and separated – critical perspectives on anti-Semitism, racism and (hetero-)sexism in current violent relationships

11:30 – 13:00:

Panel 1: Perspectives critical of racism

Hanna Grabenberger (Innsbruck): Social criticism in youth education work critical of racism – emancipatory perspectives and associated challenges
Saskia Müller (Bielefeld): “The roots can be found in the pursuers”. On the importance of social psychological analyzes for education critical of anti-Semitism and racism
Gabriele Fischer (Munich): Criticism and stubbornness – rights, racist and anti-Semitic violence and the struggles to remember the victims
Moderation: Anita Rotter

(Seminar room 11)

Panel 2: Social psychological, authoritarianism and democracy theoretical perspectives

Paul Erxleben (Marburg): Contradictions in the educational and advisory work of Mobile Advice against right-wing extremism
Lutz Eichler (Düsseldorf): Psychodynamics of libertarian authoritarianism. A contribution to adolescent theory
Matthias Lorenz (Vienna): Criticism of anti-Semitism and radical democratic theory
Moritz Krebs (Cologne): On Marx’s concept of emancipation
Moderation: Sebastian Voigt

(Seminar room 12)

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch (Mensa Ágnes-Heller-Haus)

14:00 – 16:00: city walks (tba)

17:00 – 18:30:

Keynote-Panel: Education and emancipation

Christine Kirchhoff (Berlin), Barbara Umrath (Köln), Roger Behrens (Hamburg)
Moderation: Nina Rabuza


18:30: Snack on hand


Staged reading: Homeland – A tour of horror

By and with Thomas Ebermann and Thorsten Mense
(Greenhouse, Angerzellgasse 8)

Saturday, November 16, 2024

10:00 – 12:00:

Panel 3: Perspectives critical of anti-Semitism

Karin Liebhart/Stefanie Mayer (Vienna): Anti-Semitism in schools – perspectives of Jewish and non-Jewish students
Henning Gutfleisch (Mainz): Experience – Empathy – Emancipation. Jewish perspectives as a new paradigm for education critical of anti-Semitism
Elke Rajal (Passau): About combating anti-Semitism through Holocaust Education. A cross-country comparison
Moderation: Lutz Eichler

(Seminar room 6)

Panel 4: Gender-reflected perspectives

Juno F. Grenz (Flensburg): Education critical of heteronormativity in times of anti-feminism and neoliberalism
Cordula Trunk (Innsbruck): Subjectification as emancipation. Conflicts surrounding the feminist collective subject woman/Flinta*
Brigitte Temel (Vienna): Antifeminism – Approaches for critical youth work
Moderation: Maria Wolf

(Seminar room 7)

Panel 5: Aesthetics and transformation

_Anna-Lynn Ridderbusch (Tübingen/Frankfurt aM): Forming collectives – reflections on the relationship between education and social transformation

_Marzena Chilewski (Lüneburg): Education and emancipation in the context of critical materialist social theory and aesthetic experience

_Verena Sperk (Innsbruck): Satire and autofiction as a mode of social analysis

Moderation: Nina Rabuza

(Seminar room 14)

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