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Education and ACEFAM will collaborate to adapt training to labor needs


The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Family Business Association (ACEFAM) will promote lines of joint collaboration to increase knowledge of the current reality of VET in Cantabria, and at the same time, design better training itineraries to meet the specific needs of the current job market.

The Minister of Education, Marina Lombó, has held a meeting with the president of ACEFAM, Paloma Fernández, and a representation of the Board of Directors of this association in which they have analyzed possible joint projects.

As reported by the Government, for Lombó it is about “giving prestige to Vocational Training and that Cantabrian society perceives it for what it really is: an attractive and relevant educational option, important for the present and the future, not only for students, but of the society of Cantabria “.

The objective is to contribute from the Government to develop a training offer that responds to a changing labor market and that facilitates labor transitions, while improving the competitiveness of the productive fabric.

For her part, the president of ACEFAM has indicated that her collaboration responds to “the development of a critical educational activity that leads to a change in model and responds to the need to match supply and demand.”


In addition, the meeting has served the representatives of ACEFAM to present to the Head of Education the Family Business in Classrooms project, promoting entrepreneurship through the example of family businesses, which is already being developed successfully in Galicia, Castilla y León and Castilla La Mancha and Navarra, and that the association wants to replicate in Cantabria.

The objectives it pursues are to make school children aware of the role and relevance of the family business in the economy and society, its values ​​and promote entrepreneurial and business vocations among the youngest.

To this end, it provides a series of actions that serve to reinforce the academic content related to business and entrepreneurship that allow direct contact between students and their teachers with the business world. Subsequently, the students visit their companies where they can learn about their operation, activity, organization and characteristics in situ.

The program is aimed both at students of 6th grade of Primary, as well as 3rd and 4th grade of Compulsory Secondary Education and 1st of Baccalaureate. As a complement to these activities, it also provides for the call for the ‘Imagine your company’ contest, with which participants must create their own company. In this way, and thanks to the initiatives, the family business becomes part of the academic curriculum and is the object of study in schools and institutes.

“This project is in the line of transmitting to society the economic and employment work that is generated from family businesses,” Fernández remarked.

Lombó has assured that this proposal will be studied to determine its possible implementation once normal health conditions have been recovered.

The director of Professional Training, Ricardo Lombera, also participated in the meeting.

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