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Education: 4,000 vacancies, Ndiaye specifies its revaluation

PMore than 4,000 positions have not been filled following the teacher competitions organized for the start of the 2022 school year out of a total of 27,332 opened by National Education in the public and private sectors, the ministry announced on Thursday. July 7. At the national level, the rate of positions filled in the first public degree is 83.1%, whereas it was 94.7% in 2021. For middle schools and high schools, the coverage rate, excluding additional lists, is at 83.4% for the current session while it was 94.1% in 2021, the ministry said in a press release.

This unprecedented crisis in teacher recruitment is reflected “in a strengthening of the recruitment of contract workers in order to prepare for the start of the 2022 school year in good conditions and to preserve replacement capacities in the academies”, said the Ministry of National Education. As expected, the results of the first degree teacher competitions reveal serious recruitment deficits in the Ile-de-France academies.

Thus in the Créteil academy, the various competitions will make it possible to recruit just over 900 candidates out of the 1,665 open positions. “The post differential will be covered by contract teachers,” the ministry said. In the academy of Versailles, a little more than 900 candidates were admitted for 1,600 positions advertised. “The academy has also renewed more than 400 contractual staff and 600 new contractual teachers have already been recruited,” according to the ministry.

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The second degree better off

In secondary education, in a certain number of disciplines with large enrollments, all open positions are filled: in particular in history-geography, Spanish, SVT, physical education and sports. On the other hand, certain disciplines remain “under tension” such as classics, where 57% of the positions are filled, or German (55% of the positions filled against 70 to 81% during the three previous years). Some disciplines have “insufficient” admission rates such as physics-chemistry where 66.7% of positions are filled, 80 to 100% during the three previous years, mathematics for which 68.5% of positions are filled, against 84 to 92% during the previous three years, or modern letters where 83.5% of positions are filled (against 98 to 100%).

The Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, recalled, for his part, that the increase in teachers’ remuneration would be in two parts, referring the precision of the amount to the budgetary discussions in the National Assembly. “You have to think about the increase in remuneration in two parts. An unconditional rise […] and a part that will be linked to new missions within the framework of the school of the future, within the framework of these educational projects, offering more autonomy to establishments, ”said the Minister of Education, at the microphone of France Inter. Already during the campaign, Emmanuel Macron had mentioned this increase in remuneration in two parts.

According to Pap Ndiaye, this is “a salary increase for teachers which includes the 3.5% (increase in the index point of the public service, editor’s note), which adds to that an increase which makes it possible to enhance the attractiveness of the profession. “I cannot give further details on the percentage increase, it is the subject of discussion […]. We are in constrained budgetary frameworks, the National Education budget will be discussed in the National Assembly this fall”, specified the Minister, adding that he was going to “exchange with the trade union organizations to make proposals which are solid , precise and attractive”.

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Education must be “upgraded”, insists Ndiaye

For him, upgrading is “a major problem”. “The attractiveness of the teaching profession is a problem that we also note on a European scale. Almost all European countries have this difficulty, including countries where teachers are better paid, so it is not just pay that is at stake when talking about attractiveness,” he stressed. “We must therefore proceed to increases in wages and salaries, this is what we are going to discuss with the trade unions, to create a shock of attractiveness in order to ensure that this profession is revalued”, he said. He insists.

According to him, it is necessary that “the profession be revalued also from a statutory, social point of view, because there is the feeling of a downgrading, in the whole of society”. “Teaching careers can be redesigned, all of this needs to be thought through, it will take time,” he warned.

Asked about the 627 breaches of the principle of secularism reported at school between December and March, stable over one year, the minister said that it was necessary “to be firm and benevolent, without making secularism a tool of combat”. On the question of the return of the mask to school at the start of the school year to deal with a possible resurgence of Covid-19, the ministry is “in the process of establishing a protocol with the health authorities, which will be presented next week to the trade unions,” he said.

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