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Eduardo Peña Triviño: Two fictional characters and a real prosecutor | Columnists | Opinion

In his novel Les Misérables, Victor Hugo created a character who could be a police model, Inspector Javert. He pursues Jean Valjean, an escaped galley slave, with a perseverance that can be unfriendly. When he finds him he has become a good man, Mr. Madeleine. He spares his life by pretending to kill him on the barricades of the Paris uprising in 1832 and Javert, unable to understand such generosity, commits suicide by throwing himself into the Seine.

What sentences and investigations have bothered Correismo in the management of prosecutor Diana Salazar?

The Untouchables is a film with great actors: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Robert De Niro, who gives a brilliant interpretation of Al Capone, pursued by honest police officers who accuse him of liquor trafficking during the prohibition era, of murders including one of those who pursue him. Capone had the police chiefs and even the judge who was supposed to judge him bought. At the trial hearing, the list of corrupt people in Capone’s pay will be presented as evidence. The untouchable Eliot Ness lets the judge know that his name is on the list and Capone is sentenced to prison for tax fraud. There he died.

Competition to elect the next attorney general would begin in the middle of next year

It is the same human condition in different centuries: criminals who can buy impunity by corrupting judges and magistrates and also police officers. But not to certain authorities who are honest and priceless. One in our country is the attorney general, Dr. Diana Salazar. Her perseverance and honesty are a serious obstacle that cannot be corrupted by those accused and convicted of crimes against the public administration. Then we must remove the obstacle and gather votes for Parliament to censure her. It seems that they do not have them and that Dr. Salazar will continue her good work until the end of her term. Congratulations.

Marcela Aguiñaga will not attend the convention of the Citizen Revolution

The positive attitudes of the main authorities of the province of Guayas must also be recognized: the prefect, Mrs. Marcela Aguiñaga, and the mayor of Guayaquil, Mr. Aquiles Alvarez. Both have publicly declared their vocation towards constructive peace, renouncing the hatred that characterizes certain politicians to whom the people have turned their backs.

Does Marcela Aguiñaga definitively separate herself from the Citizen Revolution? Pierina Correa says that ‘there will be signs’

If his words are confirmed with actions, the country wins with the essential unification of efforts to solve the very serious problems we have. The government of young Daniel Noboa will find itself with debts that cannot be paid, with unexpected expenses to repair the damage caused by the El Niño phenomenon. These are very high figures like those of country risk, which increase the cost of foreign money. In addition, public insecurity is aggravated by the constant threat of extortionists who prey on small businesses. This is the most harmful expression of the crime that increases unemployment.

Daniel Noboa announces that he will not support a political trial of the State Attorney General, Diana Salazar

It is condemnable and unpatriotic to oppose a government when it has just begun. We must give space for the reconciliation of constructive forces, maintain the authorities that do their duty. Love will always be preferable to hate. Love in its different expressions such as political friendship. Hate blinds and destroys. In the end it hurts the hater himself. We must unite to fight against the power of evil. (O)

2023-11-17 13:35:53
#Eduardo #Peña #Triviño #fictional #characters #real #prosecutor #Columnists #Opinion

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