The former lawyer of Jorge Glasthe jurist Eduardo Julián Franco Loorwill take office on March 14 in the National Assembly as substitute member of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS).
Franco Loor will assume that position that he left Juan Esteban Guarderaswho went from being a substitute member to a main member after the dismissal of Alembert Verasimilar to Correismo, for failing to comply with an opinion of the Constitutional Court.
For this reason, the substitute member position remained vacant and corresponds to Franco Loorsince it was the second most voted on the men’s list.

What’s more, the former lawyer Glas was part of the so-called Blue League for sectional elections and CPCCS made in February 2023.
This was a coalition of candidates made up of Alembert Vera, Yadira Saltos, Augusto Verduga, Vielka Parragay Eduardo Franco Loor. They appeared in videos on social networks leveraged by the figure of the former president Rafael Correadespite the fact that CPCCS It must be made up of officials who are not linked to political parties.
Ecuavisa informs that the jurist will take office from 12:00 in session 914 of the Plenary Assembly.
We present the call to SESSION No. 914 of the Plenary of #LaNuevaAssemblyto be held on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
— Parliamentary Agenda Ecuador (@AgendaAsamblea) March 12, 2024
#Eduardo #Franco #Loor #substitute #member #CPCCS