Home » today » Sport » Eduardo Bolsonaro defends Maurício Souza in case of homophobia

Eduardo Bolsonaro defends Maurício Souza in case of homophobia

the deputy deferal Eduardo Bolsonaro criticized today the positioning of the Fiat car manufacturer after the automaker demanded measures from Minas Tênis Clube on the player of volleyball Maurício Souza. The athlete was fired from the club yesterday to do homophobic publications on your social networks.

“Repeat the Carrefour’s mistake in finding that the ideological patrol seeks justice and a better society. The goal of these people is the annihilation of their opponents, ignorance is only the means. Fiat está compactuando com esta perseguição ideológica deliberada”, disse o deputado, em seu perfil no Twitter. A Fiat não quis se pronunciar sobre a fala de Eduardo Bolsonaro.

On Wednesday, the president Jair Bolsonaro, father of Edward, had also spoken about the case. “Impressive, isn’t it? Everything is homophobia, everything is feminism“, Bolsonaro said when he learned of the player’s departure, while he awaited the start of an interview with the Jovem Pan News channel.

Mauritius posted a video yesterday where he apologizes for his lines. “I came here to apologize to everyone who was offended by my opinion,” he said.

understand the case

Since Children’s Day, Maurício has been posting homophobic messages on his social networks in reference to the announcement of the DC Comics about the current Superman discovering himself bisexual in the next editions of the comics.

“Oh, it’s just a drawing, it’s no big deal. Go to this one and see where we’re going to end up”, said Maurício.

Maurício’s publication had a reaction of Douglas Souza, Maurício’s teammate on the Brazilian volleyball team and declared homosexual. “Funny that I didn’t ‘go straight’ seeing male superheroes kissing women. If an image like that worries you, I’m sorry, but I have something new for your fragile heterosexuality. There will be kissing. Thanks DC for thinking about acting all of us and not just a part,” wrote Douglas.

At first, the Minas Gerais club informed that it respects the opinion of each athlete, but that it does not accept homophobic manifestations from the club’s players.

“The Club is aware of the public positioning of the athlete Maurício Souza, from Fiat/Gerdau/Minas. All federated athletes to the association are free to express themselves freely in their social networks. The Club is non-partisan, apolitical and is concerned with inclusion , diversity and other social causes. We do not accept homophobic, racist manifestations or any manifestation that violates the law,” says the club’s statement.

But yesterday, the club decided to terminate the player’s contract, as reported on social networks, without explaining reasons or how the waiver will take place.

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