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Edouard Mendy still has it bad against the media after being confused with Benjamin!

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Last November, British and French newspapers were mistaken when they used a photo of Edouard Mendy to talk about the scandal that affected Benjamin, in the rape cases. The Senegalese goalkeeper had then at the time deplored this error by writing on the networks: “Sad to see that in 2021, in France as in England, for some blacks have neither first names nor distinct faces. These “errors” of photos seem anecdotal, they are on the contrary highly symbolic. However, it is not so complicated to differentiate between two faces, especially when the jersey is a great help.” he wrote. Three months later, the African Champion still has it bad.

Mendy don’t forget!

Indeed, the Blues goalkeeper added a layer today on RTL: “This is something that really bothered me. It’s an attack on my image. When your photo is associated with things that you didn’t do, those are things that I can’t accept because of course my family is affected by those errors. Today I am Mendy, Edouard, from Chelsea. Like other Mendy have first names and affiliations to other clubs. We are talking about reference newspapers that are widely read and listened to. To have this lack of professionalism is simply unacceptable.” he concluded.

to summarize

Edouard Mendy, the Chelsea goalkeeper, added a layer to the media which had confused him with Benjamin Mendy. And three months later, the African Champion still does not forgive journalists for this “error”.


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