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Edoardo Costa: The Transformation and Rebirth – A Story of Scandal, Loss, and Redemption

At the height of his popularity as a soap actor, a scandal overwhelms his existence and he loses everything. After the collapse, the rebirth. Edoardo Costa recounts his transformation in the book «The Change» (Santelli Editore). Sunday 15 October, at 5.30pm, the presentation of the works of art in the Mazzoleni gallery, in Largo Belotti in Bergamo. The actor’s life changed in 2008 when some television reports from “Striscia la Notistica” raised doubts about the sums he collected, through his association Ciak (Construction intelligent association kids), and destined for poor countries.

Costa, where do you live now?
«Mainly in Los Angeles, but I am often in Miami and I also have a home outside Milan. I have been living between Italy and the United States for thirty years, where I studied acting. America adopted me. But I love Italy (for better or for worse).”

In Italy he was at the center of a legal case that led to his conviction for embezzlement. His book starts from here. Why?
«Because it was the leverage point, what could move the boulders. Life presents you with the opportunity to go deeper, to live fully. I was caught up in illusory pleasures in a life of excess, like a rock star. Now I have changed.”

Model and actor of «A Place in the Sun», «Beautiful», «Vivere», «The night before the exams» and many other films. How did he end up at the center of the investigation?
«The investigation arose from the media attack of “Striscia” and a very long judicial process followed. With my Ciak association I had done extraordinary things: I built a kindergarten in Senegal, helped non-profit organizations in Afghanistan, Kenya, Brazil, India. I got help from external people to create photo books and calendars, paying them illegally. The receipts for 180 thousand euros paid to them over five years were missing. Tax crimes have become statute barred. My lawyers have traced those who received the illegal payments and there will be a review of the process. But, by then, I had lost everything: my school, two agencies, two production houses, my non-profit organization, my books went to waste.”

How did he feel?
«Devastated. I couldn’t explain the ferocity of the media fury. Antonio Ricci, as a communications genius, repeated the same lie every day. I felt anger and a very strong desire for revenge, also because my parents, my sister and my nephews were also suffering.”

What would you say to Ricci?
«I would thank him. Thanks to his persistence I became the person I am today. Change can come in a thousand ways, from a health problem to bereavement. In my case, losing my reputation.”

What was his life like before?
«I pushed on the accelerator: I worked during the day, then there were the gym, the meetings, the events, the guest appearances on TV. Drugs were part of the game, that additive that allowed you to succeed.”

And today?
«I always work a lot for the cinema: I shot “The island” with Michael Jai White, where I play the bad guy, I am the co-star together with Elizabeth Hurley in the comedy “Christmas in the Caribbean”. And I am a life coach through the The-change.it platform, I help people feel better with live broadcasts on social media, workshops, meditation. Knowing that I am providing comfort gives me shivers of joy, a sense of accomplishment that I have never felt before.”

Among his teachers is the Indian yogi Sadhguru, who on October 1st held the largest meditation program organized in Italy at the Allianz Cloud in Milan. Was she there?
«I was in Bologna to present my book, I returned to be with him, he is a transmitter of wisdom, he teaches without teaching to live with gratitude, compassion and love».

Is it true that he auditioned for “Big Brother” and was rejected?
«It’s fake news. But if there was a reality show where I could say what I think, to raise the level of awareness, I might think about it…”.

What do you watch on TV?
«I don’t have a TV. I saw some clips of “Belve” on social media and I must say that Fagnani is beautiful and talented. I’ve always liked her. The characters you interview, no. But this is Italy.”

October 13, 2023

2023-10-14 06:28:00
#Edoardo #Costa #happened #lost #reputation #reborn #Striscia

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