Lhe 5th meeting of the consultation and orientation framework for dialogue between the government and the private sector is being held this week in Bobo-Dioulasso. The theme this year concerns the role of land in the promotion of productive investment in Burkina Faso.
A topical issue, insofar as the Transitional Legislative Assembly has just adopted a new law on real estate development, in order to bring order to the management of rural and urban land.
The private sector is targeted by this law, through the so-called real estate companies (more than two hundred registered) which now have one year to adapt. The subject could come back, during the exchanges just like that on the industrial zones where the plots are rare for the new investors. But there too, there was what is called a grabbing without productive investment on the said plots.
It is a bottleneck to overcome. The new industrial zones of the city of Bobo are very concerned by this subject. And there too, there is a big risk of speculation. Land is an essential production factor for industry.
And here, their servicing remains the main equation to solve, if we want to improve the occupancy rate and boost activity in these industrial zones.
Par Abdoulaye TAO