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Editorial: Brandons and satire, a threatened right? – News Signatures: Editorial

For several years, the former committee of the Brandons of Yverdon, the great popular raout that marks the end of winter every year, swam in murky water. Following major deficits, the party was even canceled last year. Today, we reveal to you that a theft complaint has been filed against its former president, who allegedly stole 12,000 francs from the association’s cash register. The latter denied everything and was presumed innocent.

Nevertheless, the disastrous management and the incomplete accounting of the organization then under its responsibility are, according to our information, pointed out in an audit funded by the City. The Culture Department and the new team of volunteer organizers refuse to give us the document. The freshly affairs committee has good reason, he thinks, for doing so. To justify his refusal of transparency, he invokes by the voice of his president the current procedure but fears especially the image damage, a few weeks from the return of the demonstration in the streets of the spa town. But let him be reassured. The people would be wrong to confuse the new organization with the mistakes of the former president.

Also read: Former Brandons president accused of stinging cash

For 2020, the committee has revised its budget down and assures it thinks before spending the slightest franc. He also claims to work in good harmony with the Culture Service, while the City continues to provide 40,000 francs in subsidies to the event each year.

Will the organizers be able to perpetuate this irreverent but essential tradition, even if it means biting the hand that feeds them?

However, where the rub is, it is when the new president explains to our colleagues in “The Region” that “in the past, it has sometimes gone far too far, especially in sentences”, these traditional satirical speeches. Brandons are not just an opportunity to enjoy drinking and confetti. Historically, this festival, which originated in the Middle Ages, is a unique opportunity for the population to take possession of their city.

The sometimes rancid addresses that are pronounced on this occasion make it possible to deflate the ankles of politicians and notables of all kinds. So, can the organizers continue this irreverent but essential tradition, even if it means biting the hand that feeds them? Also in the local newspaper, the municipal Culture assures that yes, comparing this freedom to that of the press. In all cases, the Yverdonnois must take care of it. Because these acid screeds have more than ever their place in public space.

Created: 06.02.2020, 21h28

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