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Edition Thionville – Hayange | “The real jogger runs early”

“The confinement is fairly well respected, appreciates the Thionville commissioner Guillaume Lacassin. The Moselle prefectural order prohibiting the practice of running seems to have been well received, even if it fell late, namely Thursday, and that it is in force since Friday morning and valid until Monday evening. However, we sometimes call some people to order, or even verbalize them. “

Same thing on the side of the gendarmerie. “We are vigilant and we take advantage of our fixed and mobile patrols to give explanations, if necessary. Some people are in good faith and say they have no knowledge of the order. At the same time, we know full well that the real sportsman does not run in the afternoon, even less when it is hot. He does it early in the morning. But the confinement gave birth to passions for running and walking, it is undeniable, “said captain Thierry Romaniuk.

As a reminder, during this period, physical activity is authorized but around one’s home and for one hour maximum. The travel certificate, which must include your address and time of departure, is mandatory as is an identity document. In the event of an inspection, if you are not in good standing, you risk a ticket of € 135.

Fewer road accidents but more neighborhood quarrels

On the other hand, cyclists still make resistance while the practice is formally prohibited. The use of the bicycle is authorized, provided that the user is the bearer of the certificate, for journeys between home and work, to make purchases of first necessity, for health reasons, compelling family reasons, judicial summons , purchase of supplies or participation in a mission of general interest.

“We are still braving the prohibitions,” laments the captain of the Thionville gendarmerie company. But in this case, if we meet someone, we will not be forgiving. Our current priority is compliance with the confinement rules. “

So even if the number of road accidents has reduced considerably in the riding of Thionville, “it is unprecedented”, according to the police, both gendarmes and police remain on the ground. “We are mobilized seven days a week for burglaries in gymnasiums, for example, but also during neighborhood conflicts or even family disputes. All this does not stop, quite the contrary … “.

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