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Edition Thionville – Hayange | The prevention club in the fight against dropping out of school

Not everyone lives in the same confinement. In neighborhoods, the feeling of confinement exacerbates tensions, potentiates difficulties. This is the usual field of action of the prevention club (Association for Social Intervention of the Fensch – AISF) in Fameck, which works in particular for the social integration of vulnerable groups, people isolated or far from employment. “We had to adapt to the health crisis, agrees director Jean-Luc Lena. Before confinement, 80% of our action corresponded to physical presence on the ground, the rest being done by telephone or via social networks. Today, the trend has clearly reversed. ”

“We find solutions”

There was no question, however, of breaking the link and risking implosion. The association’s premises, a place of reception and exchange, are closed, but the educators continue their mission by prioritizing the files. “In terms of child welfare, in conjunction with the Department and social workers in the sector, we follow up on urgent cases for people in very great difficulty,” continues the director. An educator can receive a young person, by appointment, to talk about the worries he meets, to evoke a rehousing for example. There are solutions. “

The integration site was also undermined by the Covid-19 crisis. Again, the link is preserved “in case of absolute necessity, such as the granting of food vouchers, down payments on wages …” Finally, exchanges on WhatsApp can resolve a situation, relieve the pressure.

School support

Supporting people with social and academic difficulties has become “the biggest part of the job” since the schools were closed. The objective? To allow, in connection with the heads of establishments, the psychologist of the Network of specialized help for children in difficulty and the City of Fameck, the continuity of education, to avoid dropping out of school and the excesses it causes. “We collect the homework given by the teachers, we make the photocopies and we bring them to the students without computer tools. “

The return of homework to teachers is done by sending photos, by messages. Fourteen elementary school students and ten middle school students benefit from this system at Fameck. A request for funds has been sent to the state so that all students can have tablets or computers. Forty-two people are affected. “Extracurricular activities are also essential,” adds Jean-Luc Lena. We direct to the website of the association Les Petits Débrouillards, which gives lots of ideas to keep busy. “

Which organization for the summer?

The prevention club will continue to live and occupy the field with already aid to finance actions. “We will not be alone,” appreciates Jean-Luc Lena. With 250 to 300 young people supported throughout the year, educators know that they will have to adapt. It has become the watchword but “it is the basics of our trade”.

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