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Edition Thionville – Hayange | The free market returns to town: “This is our gift! “

Little black dress adjusted at the waist, sunglasses and pleasant smile. Sonia Henneville shines this Tuesday morning and it’s not just because of the spring weather. For the first time in weeks, the itinerant shopkeeper has returned to the Place Thionville and that is no small feat. Hopes are high after confinement. “We have to rework at all costs. We just know that we lost the launch of the season. For us, this is the best that has passed under our noses, “says the shopkeeper, tidying up the little light dresses that she sells for three times nothing. So yes, this unpacking post-covid in Tionville is bound to be happy.

Thirty-five sellers are at the meeting: it is half less than in normal times but for a resumption, that remains completely honest. “We were all waiting for that day and in addition, things are very well organized,” continues Sonia.

Good points

There is this health protocol, first, that makes everyone feel confident. Entrances monitored by the municipal police, provision of hydroalcoholic gel, obligation to wear a mask … “Honestly, it’s reassuring. Not all municipalities take the trouble to protect populations as much; it’s important, ”says Stéphane, the cosmetics seller.

And then there is this prime location: the parking lot on rue du Manège, which the itinerants find after years of forced exile on Place de la Liberté. “The municipality asked us to move during the construction of this building. The site was completed but in the end we were not allowed to return despite our requests, “continues Sonia Henneville. It was not until an unprecedented crisis to persuade the town hall to repatriate the itinerants in hyper-center. “This is our gift of deconfinement; we can only say thank you! “, Plead the traders.

For its comeback, the free market was attended by a small thousand people. A gentle resumption of contact that does good to the cash drawer. And morale.

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