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Edition Thionville – Hayange | Lexa, 19, reveals herself on Instagram

“I display everything, I expose my body. Lexa, 19, is happy to show off on social media. “My body is my strength, the one that keeps me going. And 120,000 people follow her on her Instagram account. For the past year, Lexa has posted photos of her, more or less dressed, taken in her room in Guénange or outside. She describes her style as sexy and provocative. The combo is out of place, Lexa has a lot of fans but the comments of Internet users are not always tender. They can be sexist, insulting or even threatening. The young woman doesn’t care. “I don’t read them,” she sweeps, smiling.

Denim jacket over a tight dress, flat ankle boots, pencil-drawn eyes and red lips, Lexa is coming out of a complex adolescence. “I suffered from school harassment until high school,” she said. The former schoolgirl, considered small and too round, takes revenge. She is refined, she assumes her femininity and she likes to be looked at. “I accepted myself,” she sums up.

Lola (left) and Selma (right) bring Lexa’s image to life on social media. Girls know the codes and don’t hesitate to play them. Photo RL / Pierre HECKLER

Lucrative business

The success of 310lexa on Instagram, in particular, gives ideas to companies that want to promote their products. It is enough that she poses or films herself extolling the virtues of an aesthetic treatment or an electronic accessory, to hope to touch the many subscribers to her account who watch it regularly. This kind of business explodes. It has even become a social phenomenon.

These partnerships with brands are paying off. La Guénangeoise, “instagrameuse” or “influencer”, does not hesitate. She even surrounded herself with two friends to manage her image and develop it. “Since January, we have taken ourselves seriously,” confirms Lola, her childhood friend. With Selma, she works behind the scenes, plans publications, initiates new projects.

YouTube channel

With the help of her friends, Lexa takes the stage during a photo shoot, in the street or in stores. “We tell our lives,” she sums up. And it works. These videos are viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

So the three young women of 19 see further. They just created a 310Lexa YouTube channel. “It pays more,” they explain. The small “team” shot a rap clip, interpreted by Lexa, broadcast on the channel. The girls have invested in equipment, light and decoration. The goal is to make other videos, or even broadcast a mini-series.


Not enough to make their heads spin. The girls are students to become nurses or pharmacists. They surely know that all of this is fleeting. “We insure our rear. “

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