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Edition Thionville – Hayange | Confinement: “I left my children with their father, for their good”

The calls for the strictest containment are increasing, everywhere. The hashtag #RestezChezVous as a signature, a rallying sign. The poignant testimony of Sandra Leclerc may encourage the last diehards to realize the need to stay at home: “Tell them that I dream of the end of confinement not to regain my freedom, but to see my children again. The voice rises, goes out. Then it rings again on the other end.

“It was the hardest decision of my life. But the most responsible for the good of all. »Especially for the good of Méline, her 6 year old daughter, and her son Andy, little 2 year old boy. When the threat of confinement became a reality, Tuesday, March 17, the Thionvilloise did not hesitate. Separated from her ex-spouse since August 2017, she sat down on her rights of custody to offer the comfort necessary for the little ones “Between my little apartment in low-rental housing in the Basses-Terres neighborhood in Thionville and the big house of my ex-mother-in-law in Hannonville-Suzémont, the choice was self-imposed. They are better there… ”

“I get up alone, I go to bed alone”

Sandra therefore goes through this period of confinement alone. The family home has emptied itself of everything: laughter, tears, bickering, communal meals, bedtime ceremonies, kisses, etc. “I get up alone, I go to bed alone. I miss them so much. The 28-year-old woman carries this ton of affection contained in the … rabbits offered to Méline: “I take care of them, I take care of them. “

In addition to moral suffering, there is physical pain. Suffering from a “heavy” chronic inflammatory disease, it is very difficult to move. She knows that crossing paths with the virus could be fatal to her. “This is why I refrain from going to see my children. It’s too dangerous for them and for me. The voice weakened, again. “I don’t know if I’m going to hold on,” she lets out.

#Stay home

At the moment, she doesn’t rely on video calling apps to chat with her kids. Simply because she is not sure that this digital crutch will bear the weight of her suffering “I tried, once, to see them. And I failed to contain my tears. I don’t want to worry them even more. No … They’re fine, that’s the most important. ”The testimony upsets, distorts in pain, crumples our meager certainties of the moment. The temptation to conclude this interview of a #RestezChezVous is great, very great …

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