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Edition Thionville – Hayange | Children prohibited in shops: an illegal practice

Laurène lives in Hayange. A fortnight ago, this single mother was refused entry to a supermarket in Hanover. Management did not allow her to enter with her 4-year-old child. Incredulous, Laurène turned on her heels. Unimaginable for this single mother to leave her young daughter alone in the car.

Last Thursday, it was the turn of Johann, father of Terville’s family, to experience such a mishap. This time, the scene takes place in a tobacco shop, still in Hayange. “We were in town because I wanted to have my son try on a mask, made in a small local business. We made a detour through tobacco. It was clearly indicated on a sign that the children should stay outside, but it was unthinkable for me to leave him alone on the sidewalk, at five years old! We walked in and, while I was choosing a magazine, someone challenged us. We were reaffirmed that children should not enter. It revolted me, I left furious. How can you imagine leaving him alone on the street for a moment? “

Over 800 reports of abuse in France

Like them, more than 800 people in France had, in mid-April, reported such abuses to the government, on an email address created a week earlier ([email protected]). “To our great surprise, we were seized by single mothers, sometimes also fathers, who are alone with their children – either because they are single or because their spouse works,” explained Marlène Schiappa, secretary of State responsible for combating discrimination, on April 16, on the France Info site. Each time, mediation is initiated with the trade in question.

Among the complainants, the Hayangeoise Laurène. “We have received a response from the government confirming that we are in our right and that we can file a complaint. We haven’t been that far. We talked to the supermarket management, who admitted their mistake, ”explains Patricia Friedmann, Laurène’s mother.

Infringement of the rights of the child

No decree or decree prohibits access to shops for mothers or fathers who are alone with their children. Right from the start of confinement, the Defender of Rights, Jacques Toubon, reminded us that “forcing a parent to leave his child alone outside a store, or alone with an adult he does not know , constitutes an infringement of the child’s right to be protected against any form of violence ”.

Progressive deconfinement does not change the situation. Parents are allowed to enter with their children. Only one rule: respect the barrier gestures.

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