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Ediles will demonstrate by the border crossing

The councilmen of Ayolas prepare a mobilization on the bridge that joins Argentina and Paraguay, demanding the opening of the international crossing. The mayor of Ituzaingó, Juan Pablo Valdés, confirmed at the time that they will accompany the demonstration and insisted that “there is a lack of political will to open the way.”

In a meeting held at the Ituzaingó Deliberative Council, mayors from the Paraguayan city of Ayolas and the host municipality expressed their concern about the continued closure of the border crossing. Although a bridge separates them, they had to make a journey to reach the energy capital, since they entered the country through the Encarnación – Posadas road. From that point in the province of Misiones, they then had to travel approximately 90 kilometers.

The closure would have an impact on commercial activity and neighborhood traffic, according to some residents who, weeks ago, demonstrated with banners in front of the crossing. They asked for the total opening of the passage. The national government announced a passenger transport service starting on August 1. However, the date was postponed since the authorization process had not yet been completed, as reported at the time by the Yacyretá Binational Entity (EBY).

Until yesterday, there was no news about the possibility of a date for the partial opening of the international crossing. The Mayor of Ituzaingó indicated that there was no official response as to why the service was not enabled on the indicated date.

Valdés confirmed that the Ayolas councilors are preparing a mobilization that will take place on August 19. It will be a symbolic hug between Argentina and Paraguay. In principle, it is expected that they will march on the crest of the dam to the position where the Argentine barrier is located.

“The councilors say that they can cross from the Paraguayan side. The impediments are on the Argentine side,” said the Ituzaingó community chief, who participated in the councilors’ summit. “We are going to accompany the demonstration,” anticipated the head of the Municipal Executive.

Short opening

The crossing was enabled for the transit of light cargo in August 2019. The intense diplomatic efforts prospered in an agreement between the then president Mauricio Macri and the Paraguayan president Mario Abdo Benítez. However, circulation over the pass did not last long. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the borders with the neighboring country were closed.

However, after the reopening of borders after the containment of the disease, the Ayolas-Ituzaingó pass remains closed. From Paraguay they reported that it is the only international crossing that is not fully enabled.

The decision comes from the Argentine authorities of the binational entity. As indicated on several occasions, the closure is due to road safety reasons for the works in Añá Cuá.

“There is no political will to open the way. We presented several alternatives to director Almirón (Ana) and there were no answers,” Valdés said. The Mayor, in turn, made it clear that there is disbelief on the part of the authorities. “The information about the partial opening came from International Relations and then they come out to say the opposite,” he pointed out.

During the week, a new Foreign Ministry table was scheduled with representatives of Transport and EBY. Until yesterday it was not officially communicated if the crossing will be opened through a passenger transport service.

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