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Edeka advertising in Lower Saxony: farmers demonstrate against Otto poster

Edeka is advertising the anniversary with comedian Otto Waalkes and a catchy saying on new posters. However, it is not well received. Farmers protest the statement.

“Food deserves a price: the lowest.” With this saying, comedian Otto Waalkes advertises the 100th anniversary of Edeka on posters of the food chain. Now farmers have protested against this advertisement and Edeka has the posters removed, as the “Emder Zeitung” reports.

Hundreds of farmers demonstrated with their tractors in front of the Edeka warehouse in the Ammerland district, thereby delaying the delivery of the goods, the report said. “It was never our intention to upset farmers and producers with our campaign,” the company said. The poster is a misunderstanding. “The aim of the marketing campaign was to address all localities, such as Minden or Bremen, individually in our sales area. It was therefore clearly the place ‘Essen / Oldenburg’ and not food in the sense of food.”

In addition, Edeka had informed that a price change would not be at the expense of the farmers, but would be borne by the wholesale trade.

Dirk Toepffer, Lower Saxony’s CDU parliamentary group leader, described the campaign as “shameful”. This shows that the company did not understand it and expects Edeka to apologize to the farmers.

Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner published a statement on the Edeka campaign on Twitter: “I can understand the anger of the farmers. It is like David against Goliath when farmers negotiate with the trade. That food can always be used for tempting offers and for dumping prices I don’t understand it with the best will in the end (…) In the end it bathes the producer, who is left with less and less. ”

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