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Ed Sheeran surprises street artist singing his songs in the New York Subway

the street artist Mike Yung used to sing the songs of the renowned singer Ed Sheeran in it New York Subway. What he never imagined is that in one of his performances he would be surprised by the British himself, who told him how well he sang.

The man was singin’ the songEyes Closed’, one of Sheeran’s best known. At that moment, the artist approached him from behind singing. Hearing the voice, Yung turns around and is delighted to see that he is his favorite artist. Immediately, he hugs him.

Sheeran returned the hug with a smile and high fives. “I love your voice,” Sheeran told him, according to the portal 20 minutes. The famous singer pats him on the back and Yung continues to sing along with him.

The video of the meeting with Yung was published by Ed Sheeran himself on his Twitter account @edsheeranwhere it has thousands of views and comments.

The middle 20 minutes indicated that Sheeran met Yung through his videos on his TikTok account @therealmikeyung. On this platform, the American is shown interpreting the artist’s songs in the New York Subway, where he delights users with his powerful voice, accompanied by a young man who usually accompanies him on the guitar.

Taking advantage of your stay in New Yorkthe British went to surprise him.

The aforementioned portal reported that Sheeran gave Yung two tickets to his concert.

fans react

Sheeran’s fans abound in the comments on your post with Mike Yung and they highlighted how beautiful the duet of both artists seemed to them.

Other people highlighted that for them, it would have been like a dream come true. Probably for Yung too.

“Why couldn’t it be me?”, “I would die if I was singing and he joined me. That was a dream come true”, “that was real, nothing less was expected”, “This is so beautiful! You harmonize very well”, “what a voice, this made my morning”, were some of the messages.

Yung also posted the video with Sheeran on his TikTok account, generating thousands of views.

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