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Ecuadorian cinema for a long time!

The Fundación Arte Nativo launched the “X Ecuadorian Film Festival Kunturñawi”. Ecuadorian filmmakers will be able to present their film works until August 6, 2021. For this new edition there are six categories.

Authorities and representatives of the institutions that will collaborate in the organization of the “X Ecuadorian Film Festival Kunturñawi-El Ojo del Cóndor”.

With the support of the National University of Chimborazo (Unach), the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (Espoch), the House of Culture and the Prefecture of Chimborazo, the Native Art Foundation opened the call for the “X Ecuadorian Film Festival Kunturñawi -The Eye of the Condor ”; Filmmakers and participants will be able to present their film work from Friday, June 4 to Friday, August 6, 2021.

For this new edition, the foundation opened six categories: fiction feature film and short film, documentary feature film and short film, animation and university cinema.

The Kunturñawi Ecuadorian Film Festival was born in November 2005 due to the imminent need to disseminate the cinematographic products produced in Ecuador, especially in the last decade, creating spaces for the dissemination and appreciation of Ecuadorian cinema and its authors.

“We seek to democratize culture and bring cinema to unconventional spaces, as well as schools, educational centers and theaters,” said Piedad Zurita, organizer of the festival. She works together with a multidisciplinary team, who will be in charge of the pre-selection of films and the logistics of the event.

“Reaching the Tenth Edition in 15 years has meant a whole journey of learning. Since November 2005, we have shaped a project with achieving the importance of language and social memory… a proposal that recognizes culture and the arts as producers of knowledge and builders of new memories ”.

The tenth edition for the second year will be face-to-face and Online and will tour the provinces of Bolívar, Tungurahua, Pastaza, Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. (12)

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