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Ecuadorian businessmen create trust for vaccines

The largest union of businessmen in Ecuador reported on Wednesday that it seeks to raise 45 million dollars with contributions from its partners and citizens to contribute to the vaccination plan of the government of President Guillermo Lasso, which seeks to immunize 9 million people in 100 days .

The president of the Business Committee, Felipe Ribadeneira, at a press conference stated that “the new government has proposed a 9/100 vaccination plan to the country, as a private sector we want to collaborate in whatever is requested, so that this plan is a success of the country, not of the government, but of Ecuador ”.

He added that the money collected can be used to pay for vaccines or supplies, but also the Committee can seek donations of surpluses or doses that “for whatever reason will not be used in the destination countries and are about to expire, for example.”

The national president of the Red Cross, Roque Soria, made available the warehouses of that institution strategically located “in each of the geographical areas of the country that will be available so that, with due transparency and the respective protection, they can be used for these inputs ”.

In the first week of President Lasso’s administration, half a million people were vaccinated, which was within the expectations of the authorities with a view to meeting the final goal.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, at the end of February last year, Ecuador has registered 433,870 infected and 20,903 deaths from the virus, which at various times has put this country’s health system on the brink of saturation with hundreds of seriously ill awaiting intensive care beds.

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