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Ecuador supports suspension of intellectual property rights for vaccines against covid-19

The Ecuadorian Society of Public Health adhered to the request for suspension of the rights of intellectual property to products used to deal with pandemic. The request was made by the World Federation from Associations from Public health.

At document, issued on Thursday, December 3, 2020, it is detailed that the suspension will be temporal and will apply to all formulas used during this season, such as medicines, vaccines medical devices, etc.

These products are subject to protection from patents, rights of Author and so on, so a permit is required for elaborate them in others spaces O laboratories.

“The proposal seeks to solve the restrictions faced by countries in developing, especially those of medium and low income, to have timely access and in conditions of competitive market, both diagnostic kits and medical devices (respirators and other equipment) as well as vaccinations Y medicines necessary for deal this pandemic, ”according to the statement.

It is also noted that “if the knowledge necessary to face the pandemic were it shared, all countries could put their production capacities at the service of their citizens and others. They could invest in extensions for the manufacturing from drugs, equipment, biological formulas Y vaccines or to recover them, as is our case ”.

For Fernando Sacoto, president of the Ecuadorian Society, if this temporary suspension were achieved, access to the doses to immunize the world population. He recalled that “years ago Brazil, which was able to produce drugs, manufactured antiretrovirals to combat VIH page, availing themselves of a legal power of primacy of public health which forced the laboratories that own the patents to significantly reduce their price. The case was emblematic ”.

Today, he said, countries such as India will request the same in the framework of the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). “The aim is for the vaccine to be declared as a global common good.”

Sidney Wong
, co-executive director of the Doctors Without Borders Access Campaign, stated that “all health tools and technologies of covid-19 dthey must be authentic global public goods, free from the barriers imposed by patents and other intellectual property measures ”.

And he commented “that’s why we make a call to all governments to urgently support this revolutionary proposal that puts human lives before corporate benefits at this critical time for global health ”, posted on the blog Historias sin Fronteras.

In the world are reported 67.6 million infected with the new strain of coronavirus; only in Ecuador son 198 244 confirmed cases, according to figures published on Monday, December 7, 2020.

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