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Ectopic pregnancy, a rare risk but “one that seems to be growing”

The Gynecology and Obstetrics is advancing by leaps and bounds, allowing pregnancies to be safer and guaranteeing their viability – or not – from the outset. However, nature is capricious – and science too – and on many occasions there are unforeseeable setbacks that cannot be fought against. This is the case of ectopic pregnancya failed fertilization that can put the woman’s life at risk.

“It occurs when the implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterine cavity, which can be either in the tube, in the ovary itself or in the abdominal cavity,” explains the doctor in statements to ConSalud.es. Dr. Pilar Lafuente, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. This type of pregnancy can give rise to several symptoms, two of which are pain and vaginal bleeding. These symptoms begin to manifest themselves “between 4 and 7 weeks of gestationgenerally,” explains the expert. In addition, these pregnancies “have a prevalence of between 4 and 13 pregnancies per 1,000 live births, which currently seems to be increasing.”

“We have very effective treatments to prevent this, with an 85% success rate”

Furthermore, this situation “can be a risk to the patient’s life if it is not treated quickly,” says the gynecologist. But, although ectopic pregnancy can lead to hemorrhages that put the woman’s life at risk, “currently very few deaths occur due to this reason,” she points out. “In addition, we have very effective treatments to prevent it, with an 85% success rate“, he adds.

Although it is true that problems can arise in the diagnosis. “It is often unclear”says the specialist. “At the beginning of pregnancy, it is normal for the pregnancy hormone to double every 48 hours, which is what will indicate whether the pregnancy is in place or not,” she continues. A situation that can sometimes complicate the diagnosis.

In general, “by increasing the pregnancy hormone we could identify it,” but it is a diagnosis “that is sometimes difficult,” says Dr. Lafuente. This manual technique is performed in a laboratory that, generally, “must be the same so that there are no variations,” she adds. However, even if these tests are carried out, the health professional assures that “there are times when if the hormone levels are very small, “Esonographically, this also has no translation.”

When this type of pregnancy occurs, “an abortion may occur without any consequences,” says the specialist. But there is also the risk that “the hormone rises too much and there is free fluid in the cavity, which indicates that there is active bleeding and therefore, an emergency operation will be necessary,” explains Dr. Lafuente.


In any case, ectopic pregnancies generally occur in women who have certain risk factors. “It is more frequent in patients who are undergoing Reproduction techniques“, she says. The tubes of these women may be affected and, therefore, be a risk factor for this pregnancy to occur.

Also in patients who have suffered “pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted infections”says the specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. “Other risk factors are uterine malformations or fibroids depending on their location,” she adds.

And finally, having suffered an ectopic pregnancy can also be a risk factor, although it is true that everything will depend on whether you have undergone treatment or surgery in the previous case. “When we do a medical treatment, you may have a greater predisposition to suffer another ectopic pregnancy,” says the doctor, “if instead of operating, we treat it by injection, the other tube may not be healthy” and therefore another pregnancy of this type could occur.

The content of ConSalud is prepared by journalists specialising in health and endorsed by a committee of top-level experts. However, we recommend that readers consult a healthcare professional for any health-related questions.

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