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ECOWAS: The SIBVAO-CAMEL FAIR’ 2023 closes its doors | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION


Ph:DR: “Livestock-Meat value chain, lever to increase regional trade and job creation in West Africa in a context of insecurity”.

“Livestock-Meat value chain, lever to increase regional trade and job creation in West Africa in a context of insecurity”.

After 5 days of exhibition, thematic panels, B to B meetings, professional and commercial opportunities and all-out entertainment, the SIBVAO-CAMEL FAIR’ 2023 which recorded the participation of several personalities representing ECOWAS Member States plus Mauritania and Chad, regional and international institutions such as ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS and several thousand visitors, closed its curtains this afternoon from 1is May 2023.

This show enabled the various stakeholders to reach a major consensus: the need to comply with the organization of actors in the sector around the OADHA law. To this end, the changeover will be done gradually. COFENABVI and AOCTAH will bring the debate to the ECOWAS level. They will first approach the authorities of the ECOWAS Commission in order to initiate the preparation of a memorandum on the matter to be submitted later to the ECOWAS Commission for consideration.

At the end of the show, the players made recommendations with a view to improving the structure of the livestock/meat sector.

To the States

Implement the many innovations generated by national and regional research institutions (CORAF) in the livestock meat value chain; Initiate lines of research and development on camel breeding in order to better identify and popularize its “medicinal” properties; Further support COFENABVI in the organization of the West African International Livestock and Meat Fair (SIBVAO) as a regional and international professional and commercial meeting.

Ph:DR: This show enabled the various stakeholders to reach a major consensus: the need to comply with the organization of the players in the sector around the OADHA law in terms of livestock and its marketing.


Further support the organization and holding of the SIBVAO through more substantial funding; Bring to the attention of the Heads of State and Government of regional institutions (CILSS, UEMOA, ECOWAS) the importance of taking charge of the issue of cross-border mobility (the roads being very degraded) and that of the insecurity which leads to huge losses for small traders in the sector, mainly women; Strengthen the capacities of professional organizations so that they appropriate the various UEMOA and ECOWAS texts in force on organization and structuring; Develop a regional program focused on the development of livestock meat value chains, which focuses on improving the production and productivity of livestock, the marketing of livestock products, governance at the of the sector with consideration of support actions such as access to inputs, financing, accessibility / fluidity (removal of barriers at borders), etc.; Support inter-professional organizations and COFENABVI in their structuring and promotion of the livestock-meat value chain in order to allow better integration of young people and women and job creation.

To COFENABVI, AOCTAH and other actors in the livestock meat value chain: Further involve ECOWAS and the ministries in charge of livestock in the organization of future editions of the show; Carry out lobbying missions with the Presidents of regional institutions (ECOWAS Commission, UEMOA Commission, CILSS Executive Secretariat); Organize an inter-professional organization meeting on the livestock sector and the meat and milk value chains to better submit coordinated intervention proposals to the partners on the said issues; Deepen the partnership between APESS, AOCTAH, COFENABVI, RBM and ROPPA and finally Engage in structuring and organization actions by setting up structured inter-professional organizations.

As a reminder, Sibvao 2023 is financed mainly by the Swiss Cooperation through the Pacbao Project (Livestock Marketing Support Program in West Africa) and co-organized by COFENABVI (Confederation of National Federations of the Livestock and meat from West Africa) and AOCTAH (West African Association for Cross-Border Trade in Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral and Fisheries Food Products) under the theme “Livestock-Meat value chain, lever to increase regional trade and job creation in West Africa in a context of insecurity”.

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