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EcoRéseau Business | How to deny a promising treatment by concluding that another is weak …

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We have effective therapy, but it should definitely not be promoted.

Olivier Magnan, editor-in-chief

We have been citing the efforts of this Nantes biotech, Xenothera, for a year now. whose polyclonal antibody, XAV-19, kills the disease within the first 15 days of its manifestation. We will be cautious in suggesting that the antibody in question, which relates to care, active therapy and not the vaccine, acts well beyond this cautious estimate of treatment on the first days of the disease. But this is indeed the case.

In reality, perhaps by journalistic intuition, perhaps listening to the very words of the president of Xenothera, Doctor Odile Duvaux, our enthusiasm for this therapy leads us to believe that France had from the outset the largely life-saving drug against Sars-CoV-2. We will only know it through the future and still too distant treatments applied on a large scale the day when the marketing will be decided for the XAV-19.

Of course, the polyclonal antibody in question had to go through the entire battery of tests required. But, on the one hand, it is the relentlessness of the little one start-up which led to the launch of the Polycor clinical trial underway at the Nantes University Hospital, and on the other hand it is the daily struggle of its leaders to obtain the necessary funds that decided a late and hampered implementation in every way possible by health authorities. Odile Duvaux no longer even wants to tell about the obstacles she had to overcome so that this antibody, which has been developed for several years, is finally implemented.

Why ?

Why have you pushed the fires at the risk of unfinished tests – a few months against several years “normally” – for vaccines, and to have neglected the very therapies which would have made it possible very quickly to save lives and unclog hospitals? One day we will have to write the genesis of the care of humanity, always in search of the very lucrative miracle panacea, unaffordable technologies opposed to the evils induced by industrial food and intensive animal husbandry, and not simple substances that prevent and heal and end abuses that disrupt the biosphere.

Because in this case, Xenothera comes up against a doxa of American research which favors the monoclonal antibody, sovereign for a specific virus. However, his polyclonal antibody, as explained on February 26 the first report devoted to Xenothera on a national news, that of France 2, by acting at the same time on all the “points” of the virus to prevent him from accessing the The cell, by destroying the virus itself and then acting as a powerful anti-inflammatory, manages to fight, through its broad spectrum, all known variants of Sars. What the monoclonal does not do.

Cherry on the virus: to comment on this first late highlighting of the incredible advances of biotech in Nantes, our colleague and doctor Damien Mascret, from France 2, after having recognized that “polyclonal antibodies are more interesting” than monoclonal ones, after having underlined that the dose single injection at 2,000 euros is highly profitable in view of the lives saved and the days of hospitalization avoided, paradoxically focuses on the balance of the antibody monoclonal to show the small range: patients with weak disease, no patients over 80 … “In the end, very few patients”, he concludes. Instead of being enthusiastic about the polyclonal, he puts the mono on trial …

© France 2. The diagram illustrates the action of the polyclonal antibody which inhibits all the “spikes” of entry of the virus into the cell. Unlike the monoclonal which only targets a point, corresponding to a specific variant.

Decidedly, not only France, in solidarity with a very inefficient Europe in the organization of vaccination, will have lost a considerable amount of time in the race for immunity, but she will not have been able to recognize the nuggets of her genius when it manifests itself in a small biotech of nothing at all. It’s a bit of the moral of the story: big lab, you raise billions of funds, you are paid billions for the life-saving vaccine, you are the king of the world. Little unknown box, you have been developing for several years a promising new therapeutic technology, you beg a few millions to ensure the test and you wait for a journalist mainstream debin a treatment that is not yours.

Olivier Magnan

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