New turning point in the project for setting up the future Venoy Ecopôle. The Auxerre Ecology Solidarity association indicates that it has filed, on Monday 12 December 2022, a request for interim measures with the administrative court of Dijon concerning eleven resolutions voted by the city council on 24 November 2022 relating to the acquisition of land in Venoy.
“With this procedure, we want to try to block the purchase of land and land, until the case is judged on its merits,” explains Denis Martin, president of the association. This summary completes a first appeal brought by the association before the administrative court of Dijon, against the economic zone of Venoy. Filed on August 31, 2022, the appeal aimed at annulling the resolution of the Auxerrois city council which authorized the acquisition of land for the construction of the work. “On this appeal, we were attacking the entire project. The court did not issue its decision and it could take months. However, at the last council, we saw that they were speeding up on this file. Once the land purchase was done, it’s complicated to act, so we said to ourselves that we had to act”, develops Denis Martin.
Intervene before the judges’ decision on the merits
Provisional suspension is an emergency procedure. It can be used to ask the judge to prevent the immediate enforcement of an administrative decision that the applicant deems unlawful. The urgent judgment is provisional, pending the decision of the case on the merits.
“This project will destroy the village”: in Venoy, a mobilization against the future Ecopôle
“This request for precautionary measures is justified by the urgency: […] the sums necessary for the purchase of the land will be included in the 2023 community budget”, writes the president of the association in the letter sent to the president of the administrative court, on 12 December. “The purchase of the land will then be effective and possible from 1 January 2023. However, the judgment on the merits of our appeal will not be pronounced on that date”. decision. It would save the community the sum of 728,051.80 euros, in case of acceptance of our appeal on the merits.
A “political stupidity” for the mayor of Venoy
AuxR-Eco Parc, the name of the future Venoy Ecopôle, will host companies specializing in the treatment and recovery of waste, including the Paprec company. The environmental association denounces both “an artificialization of the soil, damage to biodiversity and groundwater”, “a sacrifice of land cultivated organically by the Lycée de la Brosse”, and “a price for land paid thirteen times the price of market”.
“They are armed with political stupidity! We are in an economic zone that has been targeted in local planning for twenty years. There is no land that is not organic in our deliberations, it is disinformation”, reacted Christophe Bonnefond, first vice president of the Agglomeration in charge of infrastructure and mayor of Venoy. We believe in investing in the circular economy and having a positive sense for the environment. They want to prevent us from developing a real ecology. We will leave it to the courts.”
Thomas Riberre
[email protected]