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Economy: What is a stroke and how to prevent it?

Stroke, Stroke or Stroke are the terms by which a stroke is commonly called. To find out more, the first thing to do is to call it by its name: stroke. This disorder affects the arterial and venous systems, responsible for good blood circulation in the brain. There are two types of traits: Ischemic attacks In these, there is an obstruction in a blood vessel, causing an injury due to lack of oxygenation in the brain. This is called a stroke. Hemorrhagic accidents These occur when a blood vessel ruptures and causes blood to leak from the circulatory system into the brain tissue, causing cerebral hemorrhage.

Globally, these accidents are among the diseases most likely to cause death, they also cause serious neurological sequelae and certain permanent disabilities in people who suffer from them. The probability of relapse is high and the quality of life decreases considerably. Risk factors Situations that increase the risk of stroke can be divided into two groups: those that cannot be changed and those that are. The first group includes the circumstances in which it is not possible to intervene to reduce the probability of having a stroke, for example age. Even after 35, the risk increases to double every decade. While two very important factors are considered in the modifiable group: blood pressure and smoking. It has been proven that there is a relationship between these and the risk of having a stroke; in fact, it has been observed that a reduction in blood pressure also decreases the risk of stroke. Likewise, the habit of smoking influences the cerebrovascular risk for consumers and passive smokers.

Cholesterol changes, high alcohol consumption, obesity, lack of physical activity, diabetes and glucose intolerance, although not so intense, are also factors modifiable risk. Like previous heart disease and the use of illegal substances, such as cocaine. In other words, a hypertensive, obese, high-cholesterol 60-year-old man who smokes and frequently drinks alcoholic beverages has a higher risk of heart attack or brain hemorrhage. Prevention Despite this, stroke can occur in young people, whether active, thin or non-smoking. It will all depend on the lifestyle they lead. People these days want immediate results with the least amount of effort, but speaking of stroke, the recommendation is to spend more time changing our lifestyle to avoid it. For Dr. Mario Alberto Suárez Calderón, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Medical Director of the Geist Institute for Neurosurgery and Orthopedics, having good habits throughout our lives strengthens us and prepares us for mental clarity and a healthy brain with all its potential. The institute has a multidisciplinary team specializing in different branches of neurosurgery to deal with everything related to the central nervous system.


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