To sing. Markus Bumiller, a new father and self-employed entrepreneur in the tourism sector and, as he himself emphasizes, a passionate tourism expert, was nominated as a candidate for the state parliament on Friday evening by the member of the FDP from the Singen-Stockach constituency. 20 members entitled to vote had come to the nomination meeting chaired by District Chairman Birgit Homburger in the town hall.
Bumiller made it clear that the constituency made a very difficult decision in the last election and everything had to be done so that the AfD was not re-elected with a representative in the district administrator, because the behavior of the elected MP Gedeon had damaged the region Suffered prestige.
“The economy has to be started up again first,” said Bumiller, because without a functioning economy the country will go downhill. Education for the students must be guaranteed, including with digitization and it cannot be if, in these times of the Corona crisis, the students still have to help the teachers how to teach with the PC. “Politics must be made for the citizens again”. so Bumiller in his concise speech. The audience was encouraged that Bumiller had shown what he could do as a member of the Wirtschaftsjunioren, including at the “Federal Conference” of the IHK youngsters in the Singen town hall. Bumiller had already appeared politically as a candidate for the last municipal council election as well as a candidate for the mayoral election in Volkertshausen.
Julia Zühlke, municipal councilor in Stockach and soldier in Stetten am Kalten Markt active in the field of training, put education, social affairs and family in the foreground when applying as a second candidate.There should not be a second shutdown, and signals are needed in the currently difficult times for the companies. She was also elected unanimously.
District chairwoman Birgit Homburger said that the election campaign could be a challenge in view of the current Corona situation, as far as events where voters could inform themselves. A lot of this may have to take place digitally. The election campaign team positioned itself accordingly that evening.
Wochenblatt @: Oliver Fiedler- .