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Economy: Industrial exports are still in the red, in the first half reported

Industrial shipments totaled US $ 1,681 million 566 thousand in the first half of the year, which implies a decrease of 34.4% compared to the same period of 2019. This is the lowest figure in recent years (first six months), which The crisis in the sector is evidenced, not only by the paralysis of activities due to COVID-19, but also by the structural failures that the country has suffered for a long time, said the Association of Exporters (ADEX).

Mirtha FigueroaManufactures manager, he trusted in the rapid slowdown of the decline as the government took actions for its recovery, such as the launch of public investment and financing programs (Reactiva Peru and FAE-Mype); and the extension of the expiration of various tax obligations.

The restart of industrial activities was at the end of June, therefore better results are expected in the coming months. For our part, from the Manufacturing management, we promote commercial actions so that companies reactivate their operations and recover their markets“, said.

Some of them were the formation of the working group ‘The Peruvian alpaca value chain’ and events such as the V International Congress of Jewelry and Crafts and the XVI Textile Forum, to be held virtually next October.

We are committed to the creation of the Executive Board for the Development of Peruvian Jewelry and we are dedicated to finding markets for the pharmaceutical sector as well”, He detailed.

Adex reported that in the first half of the year all industrial subsectors closed in red. The most important by exported amount is the chemical one (US $ 656 million 115 thousand) with a fall of 16.6% and a 39% participation.

Three of its main items suffered deep contractions: sulfuric acid (-42.6%), sodium hydroxide (-53.7%) and rubber tires (-58.5%).

The supply of the textile-apparel chain (US $ 386 million 825 thousand) was also affected. Textiles (-42.8%) fell due to lower demand for fine carded or combed alpaca hair, cotton fabrics or wool yarns. For its part, apparel (-44%) saw demand contracting in almost all its markets, particularly in the US (-43.2%), which in recent years accounted for an average of 75% of the total.

The iron and steel industry (US $ 335 million 568 thousand) fell -38.6%. Its two main items, unalloyed zinc (-44.6%) and refined copper wire (-26.5%), registered lower FOB amounts. Their destinations from top three presented figures in red, Colombia -39%, USA -44.4% and Bolivia -39.9%.

For its part, metalworking (US $ 185 million 610 thousand) fell 36.8%. Items such as framed glass, machine parts, and lead electrical accumulators presented declines of between -13% and -37%. The US, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia, located in the first five places in the ranking, presented contractions.

Although many markets closed in red, a small group stood out for its great growth such as Romania with 120% (zinc and zinc oxide), Oman with 1890.2% (front dozers and other self-propelled machines and apparatus on tires) and Vietnam with 149.4% (unalloyed zinc, coloring matters, orthoboric acid), among others.

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