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Economy. Businesses: one aid fund can hide another

Topical subject if there is one: aid for the development and survival of small local businesses. Thursday, during the council meeting of the Community of Communes Portes de France-Thionville (CCPFT), it was the subject of a pass of arms between elected community members.

Alexis in the hot seat?

Alexis is a Lorraine association subsidized since 2007 whose mission is to help the creation, takeover and development of businesses. Aid of 41,495 euros was paid to him by the CCPFT in 2019, 39,799 euros (+ 3,000 euros for the Trajectory competition) will be allocated to him in 2021.

“I do not have the feeling that there is the expected efficiency in supporting project leaders. We will have to wonder about the continuation of our contribution, loose Pierre Cuny, president of Agglo Thionvilloise In 13 years of existence, our participation amounts to 400,000 euros. How many companies have been helped? “

A new aid fund for local SMEs

“We are creating an additional device that will be popularized, hence the need to rediscuss aid to Alexis”, continues Pierre Cuny. Indeed, in 2021, the CCPFT will release the sum of 100,000 euros in order to supplement a new aid fund for small and medium-sized enterprises in favor of “productive investments” which follows the transfer of the economic competence of the councils. departmental to the EPCI.

“I don’t understand this volley of green wood against Alexis. You started on the principle: you are never better served than not yourself! », Squeaks Brigitte Vaïsse, elected community member of the Thionville opposition.

There is also another subsidized structure to help creators of northern Moselle businesses – Initiative Moselle Nord – which, again, supports the creation and development of the entrepreneurial project.

The Resistance fund plays overtime

The regional Resistance fund, set up for May 2020 to support small local businesses subject to administrative closure, has been extended until June 30, 2021 and supplemented by direct aid for unpaid rents (Resistance rents) at benefit from priority activity sectors such as catering, culture, events, associations and sports clubs.

37 companies in the Thionville region have already benefited from the Resistance fund for a little over 600,000 euros out of the 640,000 allocated.

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