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Economic Transformation: Exploring Sustainable Natural Resources Downstream Models – Forum for Aspirations and Ideas

Be a forum for your aspirations and ideas!

Resource persons for Educational Talkshow, “Economic Transformation: Exploring Sustainable Natural Resources Downstream Models”. (IDN Times/Evan Yulian Philaret)

Jakarta, IDN Times – The Ministry of Investment/BKPM in collaboration with IDN Times held an Educational Talkshow with the theme “Economic Transformation: Exploring Sustainable Natural Resources Downstream Models” on Wednesday (27/9/2023). After the event, the Writing Competition Kick-off #DownstreamForTheNation It was also started as a forum for the aspirations and ideas of the younger generation regarding the downstreaming of Natural Resources (SDA).

Main Secretary of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Ikmal Lukman, invited the wider community, especially the younger generation, to take part in efforts to transform Indonesia’s economy. One of them is through downstreaming natural resources.

“The young generation in the future must improve their skills to be able to compete on a national and international scale to fill job opportunities in these fields (downstreaming),” he said.

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1. Downstreaming natural resources provides added value to the economy

Special Staff of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Tina Talisa (IDN Times/Evan Yulian Philaret)

On the same occasion, Special Staff of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM Tina Talisa revealed that downstream efforts are in fact very close to everyday life. For example, the downstream process from raw cocoa fruit to chocolate, or processing nickel ore to become batteries for electric vehicles.

Tina emphasized that this processing or downstream process will provide added value to the economy. The reason is because the selling price of the goods provided is higher.

“If we only sell nickel we only get 1 (price). But if we sell it in the form of finished goods, it can be 33 times as much. From an economic perspective, of course we choose the bigger one. This is added value,” he explained.

2. Discuss Indonesia’s socio-economic transformation

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Editor’s picks

VP Government Relations Jakarta and Smelter Technical Support PT Freeport Indonesia, Harry Pancasakti (IDN Times/Evan Yulian Philaret)

Then from the academic side, Assistant Director of Strategic Studies at IPB University Alfian Helmi highlighted downstream efforts that need to provide social and economic transformation. He believes that recruitment without qualified Human Resources (HR) will have no impact at all.

The important point is improving the quality of Indonesian human resources. Thus, the downstream process is not just about moving the processing process without having a positive impact on society.

“If we talk about impact, Downstreaming Indonesia or Industrializing Indonesia (needs to be carried out) so that socio-economic transformation takes place. It’s not just moving factories outside (abroad) to Indonesia without any socio-economic transformation,” he said.

Also Read: PTFI Receives 2023 Pioneer Investment Award from BKPM

2023-09-27 13:23:05
#Ministry #Investment #Holds #Talkshow #Writing #Competition

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