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Economic stimulus package from the Union and the SPD: this is the content – politics

Children, municipalities, taxpayers: the stimulus package has many beneficiaries. The auto industry also gets something. If not what she wanted. An overview with graphics.

Mobility: higher purchase premium for electric cars, money for public transport

The numbers that the car industry had published shortly before the coalition summit should still get the doubters on track. According to this, new registrations in Europe recently fell by 75 percent. Particularly affected: the countries hit hard by the Corona crisis, such as Italy (minus 98 percent) and Spain (minus 97 percent). The car lobby association now calculated that the costs of the standstill of the largest German industry would be huge for society. The VDA estimates that the burden of lost taxes, social security contributions or short-time benefits will be five billion euros per month.

But in the evening, disillusionment spread across Germany’s largest industry. After all, the car industry’s long campaign for purchase premiums for petrol and diesel was unsuccessful. According to the agreement, the federal government only wants that Promote purchase of electric cars – but that clearly. The government’s existing purchase premium is to be doubled by the end of next year. If you then buy an electric car at a price of up to 40,000 euros, you can still count on the previous funding of 6,000 euros, which the federal government and corporations share. The federal government is now putting another 3,000 euros on top and expects a total financial requirement of two billion euros.

In addition, the grand coalition wants an additional 2.5 billion euros in the expansion of a more modern and secure one Charging station infrastructure invest to make it easier for e-car owners. This and next year should also Industry investments in future technologies with a billion euros each. Other locations for battery production can also hope for additional funds. Truck manufacturers alone could benefit from purchase premiums for combustion engines. However, the Federal Government does not want to provide its own funds for this, but rather works to ensure that the EU Commission sets up a corresponding program. According to the decision made on Wednesday evening, it is to provide for a subsidy of EUR 15,000 for the exchange of Euro 5 trucks and EUR 10,000 for the exchange of Euro 3 or 4 vehicles.

The Federal Government also wants to help that Public transport companies. The number of passengers had plummeted. As a system-relevant infrastructure, you should still have buses and trains continue to run at high frequency. This had led to losses of around five billion euros. Citizens should continue to be able to rely on functioning public transport in future, government circles said. The federal government therefore wants to help transport companies this year with a one-time increase in regionalization funds of 2.5 billion euros.

The German government had already agreed on billions of dollars in financial aid for Deutsche Bahn in the past few weeks.

Social affairs: money for children

The Federal Minister of Labor did not want to see the fact that Hubertus Heil (SPD) commented on the situation on the job market in his ministry on Wednesday afternoon and was not part of the coalition round in the chancellery as a sign that his favorite topics for the Corona economic stimulus program were already in the dry cloth. Still, he left no doubt as to what he thought was essential in the planned multi-billion dollar package for the resurrection of the German economy. “I am in favor of us doing something for investments,” he said. Municipal investments are particularly important, for example for crafts, but also to renew infrastructure and educational institutions. “I’m also in favor of strengthening purchasing power, especially for families,” he added.

Almost twelve hours later it was clear: The leaders of the Union and SPD were also in favor of these things. Perhaps the biggest surprise: the maximum period for receiving short-time work benefits is not extended to 24 months as expected. At least for now; in September the matter will be examined again and a “reliable regulation” for the coming year will be presented. No surprise, however, is that the child bonus of 300 euros comes per child, as a surcharge on child benefit. However, parents with higher incomes who benefit from the child allowance will not benefit from this bonus; it will be deducted from the allowance if you make your tax return. With social benefits such as Hartz IV, on the other hand, the child bonus should not be offset, but paid in addition. The bonus was a heartfelt wish of the SPD; In their catalog of claims it said that such a payment also strengthens purchasing power. The child premium will cost 4.3 billion euros.

In addition, however, more money than was previously planned in the expansion of the All day care and in the Digitization of schools flow. Critics of the child bonus had argued that such a payment was of no use to many parents; they would also need childcare and better distance learning for their children in the corona pandemic.

It is also planned that Vocational training ensure even if many companies are currently facing economic problems. Every young person who is interested in training should get a place, said Chancellor Merkel on Wednesday evening after the negotiations ended. In order to provide companies with an incentive, bonuses should be paid for those who train as much as before or maybe even more.

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