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Economic reservation 2024 – when will it be accepted, what will change, who will be booked

They started talking about the possibility of economic conservatism in Ukraine at the beginning of 2024 – this was supposed to be an addition to the “traditional” conservatism based on the importance of the initiative, but according to a different criterion – salary . This is either the employee’s income and the taxes he pays to the state, or the tax the employer is willing to pay for the person.

On May 11, the Verkhovna Rada registered a bill on economic conservation, initiated by the Chairman of the Economic Development Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmitry Natalukha. The summer has passed, and the information field is once again filled with reports about economic securities. The government talks about the principle of “fight or work”, which repeats the words of President Zelensky. Parliament believes that an economic reserve will be introduced by the end of 2024.

24 Channels gathered everything that is known about economic conservation from movement.

According to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Financial, Tax and Customs Policy Daniil Getmantsev, economic conservation from movement can be introduced in Ukraine by the end of 2024. According to him, this is a very complicated and sensitive issue, and that is is why it has been discussed for so long.

Also read Economic conservation from movement can be introduced this year, – Getmantsev

This is a complex socio-political decision. Because this approach differentiates people during war. In addition, there is a question about how this decision will be seen by the army, which is very important in the context of disinfection, which we cannot do physically. This is a very socially sensitive issue,
– said the ruler of the people.

According to the Ministry of Finance, monthly income to the state budget from economic reserves could reach about 8 billion hryvnias.

But this includes the assumption that the majority of those liable for military service who work today and receive a salary of less than 35 thousand hryvnias will receive 35 thousand, explained Getmantsev .

According to the deputy, economic conservatism will contribute to shadowing, that is, the removal of salaries from the “shadow”.

The Ministry of Finance has calculated 8 billion hryvnias per month – well, God forbid that
– Summary of Getmantsev.

Scheduled in May bill “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the details of paying ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​a गॵवुवी Economic Development Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmitry Natalukha provides the following conditions:

  • All business organizations that pay a higher military tax of 20,400 hryvnia per employee have the opportunity to reserve.
  • The increased tax is not paid by the employee, but by the business. That is, the business itself determines who is most important for it and confirms this with appropriate fees.
  • The reservation applies to all business entities, which eliminates the problem of the impossibility of reservation for representative offices of international companies or individual entrepreneurs. The latter can be reserved if they prove real activity in the past year.

Natalukha group also filed two other bills including:

  • reservation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​in accordance with the official salary level over 36,336 hryvnias;
  • unified model with a wage rate of 36,336 hryvnia for an employee and a military tax of 20,400 hryvnia for individual entrepreneurs.

The three bills of the Natalukha group have not progressed in consideration since June-July and are in “available for review” status. July edition LB wrote that Verkhovna Rada Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk argued that the majority of deputies would not support any of the bills.

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how come reported In October, the People’s Deputy, Yaroslav Zheleznyak, the Ministry of Economy will introduce an economic conservative model – “the decision has been made.”

Three models are currently being considered and awaiting a decision from the political leadership. According to the Deputy Minister of Economy Vitaly Kindrativ, monthly personal income tax statements and monthly salary verification should remain, and the reservation​​​​ will be issued for a year.

how come told 24 Channels People’s Deputy, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Galina Vasilchenko, in order to launch economic doubts, there are not enough changes in the tax-code. Details of the three new concepts have not yet been announced.

Here, in general, we are talking not only about the distribution of emergency personnel, but also about the distribution of the entire army. This is a question for the government, because with its initiative it is necessary to develop an appropriate legislative method so that this is fair both for the economy and for the military personnel who have been protecting us for 2.5 years now ,
– noted Galina Vasilchenko.

Now it is difficult to calculate, because the Ministry of the Economy or the Committee on Economic Affairs do not have figures. But this will definitely be an additional income for the state budget, the deputy believes.

Although it was said in May that the limitation of 50% of the military personnel reserved for each campaign would remain, now there are new points in Resolution 76, governing reserves:

  • it is possible to reserve 100% of those liable for military service;
  • it is allowed to retain the maximum number of workers who build fortifications, who are involved in enterprises in the defense industry, electric power industry, nuclear, coal or oil industries;
  • no more than 50% of police officers and State Emergency Service personnel are reserved;
  • mine operators can reserve.

Also, since July, booking through the Diya portal has been in effect, when employers can book emergency workers faster than before.

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On September 10, Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal announced new changes to reserves based on the “fight or work” principle and asked to drop the phrase “economic conservation”.

During the war, we need to understand how to properly support our economy, to bring those who are still working with envelopes out of the shadows. And we take great care to ensure that justice is observed,
– Shmygal said then.

According to the prime minister, changes in the booking procedure are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • creating additional jobs;
  • an increase in wages for employees, as a result of – an increase in the payment of taxes and fees;
  • helping return Ukrainians to Ukraine.

As Shmygal noted, since the start of the full-scale attack, the number of employed people who received official salaries and paid official taxes fell from about 10 million to about 8 million.

Therefore, we are focusing on small and medium businesses, where these jobs can be restored quickly. Because the renewal of large enterprises, giants, will take a long time,
– explained the Prime Minister.

Perhaps the main new thing is the advertisement reserved promises to those Ukrainians who decide to return to “ensure our economic stability.”

We are talking about remote custody, which a person receives even before returning to Ukraine.

Recorded in parliament at the beginning of October draft law No. 12093which proposes to give Ukrainians a “50% discount” when paying fines for late clarification of military registration data.

According to the explanatory note, the bill provides for:

  • when you voluntarily submit to clarify registration data, provide a 50% “discount” from the minimum fine under Articles 210 and 210-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for violating movement and military registration;
  • the purpose of this is to fill the state budget through the voluntary payment of taxes for administrative violations;
  • the discount should also encourage those liable for military service to clarify their data through electronic accounting.

If the bill is adopted, the amount of the fine for clarifying data late (after 60 days from the entry into force of the law) will be 8,500 UAH instead of 17,000 UAH.

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Since it is assumed that the clarification of personal data will be necessary for economic preservation and the use of other important functions of the Electronic Account, it is expected that a large number of citizens responsible for military service will take advantage of this opportunity,
– says the explanatory note to the bill.

It was confirmed that budget expenditure will not be required for the implementation of the law, and the payment of fines will fill the budget.

2024-10-09 06:00:00

#Economic #reservation #accepted #change #booked

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