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Economic observation in the third quarter | Positive factors for the domestic economy recovery have increased cumulatively-Qianlong.com China Capital Network

Source title: Economic observation in the third quarter | The positive factors for the recovery of the national economy have accumulated and increased

The economic data of the first three quarters released by the National Statistics Office on the 24th show that since the beginning of this year, faced with complex and serious internal and foreign situations and multiple unexpected shocks, the national economy has resisted the pressures and it continued to recover in the second quarter.

In the first three quarters, gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 3.0% year on year, 0.5 percentage points higher than in the first half of the year, and the economy generally showed a positive trend of recovery. Among them, GDP in the third quarter increased by 3.9% on an annual basis, 3.5 percentage points higher than in the second quarter.

Experts said that since this year, especially in March, April and July, the Chinese economy has fluctuated from month to month due to some unexpected factors such as the external environment, the epidemic and extreme weather. With the continued efforts of the economic stabilization policy package and the decisive launch of the follow-up policy, key economic indicators such as industry, service sector, investment and consumption have been continuously recovering and the general trend towards recovery and development has been maintained.

In addition, the experts also said that from a global perspective, China’s economic performance is outstanding. Consumer prices rose moderately, in stark contrast to high global inflation. The employment situation is generally stable, the international balance of payments is broadly balanced and foreign exchange reserves have remained above US $ 3 trillion, but it should be noted that the current external environment is becoming more complex and severe.

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