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Ecocide accused in San José del Rincón – Diario Basta!



Tired of seeing their Mazahua forest area disappear every year, families demonstrated in Toluca, complaining about the loss of flora, fauna and water


This Thursday, residents of the community of San Antonio New Townfrom the municipality of San José del Rincón, protested in the streets of Toluca, until they reached the palace of Executive powerin denunciation of illegal logging actions in the Mazahua forest area.

The protesters criticized the indifference of authoritiesboth municipal and state, which, they said, has generated problems in flora and fauna, but also in the recharging of the water tables Therefore, they are also already suffering from water shortages.

“There is no more water runoff, there are no more springs, the land has eroded, we ask that these permits be cancelled, that they be cancelled completely, they are no longer forestry uses, it is the death of the forests (…) there is no flora, there is no fauna, it is finished, there are no more mushrooms, there are no more quelites, there is nothing, everything was finished, there were eagles, coyotes, there is none of that anymore, it is a thing of the past,” they claimed.

By accusing this ecocide they called the attention of the governor of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gomez Alvarezto fulfill its promise to defend and protect forests. They acknowledged that it is not a trend new but a culture of forest devastation, which they claim has continued since the 1990s.

“Enough with the logging! With your help, Madam Governor, we can stop this illegal logging that is going on (…) it is time to apply the law,” They shouted. The residents took the opportunity to ask the State of Mexico’s Department of Rural Affairs to address the situation in coordination with the state’s Forest Protection Agency (Probosque), as they reported that forestry exploitation permits have been granted in an uncontrolled manner.

“We are denouncing Probosque for granting licenses and permits where there is no forest left. The little we have left is running out because of the authorizations.”

Product of this illegal loggingThey also assured that the information has stopped arriving Monarch Butterflythey complained.


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