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Eclipse Prayer Practices for Muslims: Increase Charity, Performance, Congregational Prayers, and Sermon

Eclipse Prayer Illustration (Special)

When an eclipse occurs, Muslims are encouraged to perform several practices, including the following.

1. Increase Prayer to Charity

First, increase prayer, dhikr, istighfar, takbir, and alms when an eclipse occurs. This is as explained in the words of the Prophet Muhammad from ‘Aisyah.

Indeed, the sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of God’s power. This eclipse does not happen because of someone’s death or someone’s birth. If you see that, then pray to God, say takbir, pray and give charity.” (HR. Bukhari Muslim).

2. Perform the Eclipse Prayer

Second, perform the eclipse prayer. During the eclipse prayer there is no call to prayer and iqamah, the call to perform the eclipse prayer becomes ash-ṣhalātu jāmi’ah.

Aisha said in a hadith, “In the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, there was a solar eclipse. He then sent someone to call the congregation with: ash-ṣhalātu jami’ah (let’s pray in congregation). The people then gathered. The Prophet then advanced and said takbir. He performed four bows and four prostrations in two rak’ahs.” (HR. Muslim).

3. Congregational Eclipse Prayer in the Mosque

Third, perform eclipse prayers in congregation at the mosque. In a hadith from ‘Aisyah, Rasulullah SAW was driving a vehicle in the morning and an eclipse occurred. Then Rasulullah SAW passed his wife’s room (which was close to the mosque), then he stood up and prayed. In another history it is said that the Prophet went to his prayer place (namely his mosque) where he usually prayed there.

Ibn Hajar said, “What is in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is to pray the eclipse prayer in the mosque. If this is not the case, of course the prayer would be more appropriate to be performed in open ground so that later it would be easier to see the end of the eclipse.” (Fathul Bari4: 10)

However, because GMT April 8 2024 cannot be observed in Indonesia, Muslims do not need to perform kusuf prayers. Eclipse prayers are performed when the natural event is visible.

4. Sermon after the Eclipse Prayer

The last is preaching after performing the eclipse prayer. It is narrated that after the Prophet SAW performed the eclipse prayer, he preached in front of the crowd. He praised and flattered God, then said:

“Indeed the sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of God’s power. This eclipse does not happen because of someone’s death or someone’s birth. If you see that, then pray to God, say takbir, pray and give charity.” (HR Bukhari).

2024-04-06 22:48:55
#Solar #Explosion #GMT #April #Eclipse #Sign #Apocalypse

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