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ECA: African Private Sector Review of the Global Digital Compact | www.l-integration.com – L’INTEGRATION

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PH: DR: ECA: African Private Sector Review of the Global Digital Compact

Addis Ababa, 29 July 2024 (ECA) – A consultation session on the Global Digital Compact (GDC) was held virtually by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with the African Information and Communication Technologies Alliance (AfICTA) for Private Sector Africa. , aimed at soliciting ideas and feedback about the GDC Rev.1.published on May 15, 2024.

Ms. Sorene Assefa, Digital Governance and Cybersecurity expert at the ECA, presented the origin of the Global Digital Compact within the framework of the Future Agreement, which will be adopted at the Summit of Coming in September 2024. She highlighted ECA’s role in shaping Africa’s position and their contribution to GDC consultation milestones, as well as the upcoming roadmap for the GDC .

The discussions examined how well the Rev.

A recurring theme was the need for strong regulatory frameworks to encourage innovation and ensure that private sector priorities align with the goals of the GDC, promoting a digital future secure and prosperous for Africa.

Participants raised the need to measure and correlate infrastructure-to-investment results as efforts continue to achieve the goals outlined within the GDC Rev.1. Another priority is leveraging Africa’s youth demographic, with a focus on creating job opportunities through strong data management and digital skills.

The following key recommendations were made at the review session:

  • Focus on national level implementation:As more countries restructure their ministries to include digital governance and transformation agendas, it is imperative to focus on implementation at the national level to ensure that the Global Digital Compact document (GDC) effectively enables countries to achieve their digital goals.
  • Calculate the value of investment-to-infrastructure:Assess the intent and rationale behind value-added infrastructure development for the private sector, emphasizing how the digital economy benefits overall economic growth, increasing connectivity to create competitive advantages, and deliver bank projects. Research announced during the session noted that an investment of one dollar in Digital Public Infrastructures (DPIs) can return a return of 32 dollars from improved institutional competitiveness and citizen welfare.
  • Department Applications: Applications in agriculture, education and transport have been identified as critical areas where digital transformation can have a significant impact on economic growth and social development.
  • Building on effective platforms that work: The use of existing frameworks, such as the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) and the Internet Governance Forums (IGFs), was discussed to reduce bureaucracy and streamline efforts through collaborative platforms. – consulting.

In addition, improving connectivity is essential to closing the digital divide and promoting digital inclusion for the nearly 500 million people without a digital identity. Mactar Seck, Head of the Technology and Innovation Department at the ECA, said, “Increasing cyber diplomacy and data management is also a priority to mitigate risks that could cause a loss of up to 10% of GDP due to cyber threats. “

Launched in 2019 with a roadmap set by the UN Secretary-General in 2020, the GDC aims to establish shared principles for an open, safe and secure digital ecosystem.


About the Global Digital Compact (GDC)

To be launched at the Future Summit in September 2024, the Global Digital Compact (GDC) is the UN Secretary-General’s roadmap to “an open, free, secure digital future and people-centred” to realize. The initiative aims to accelerate the achievement of the UN’s Vision 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote a new social and political framework that will benefit all and support planetary sustainability.

About AfICTA

The Information and Communication Technologies Alliance of Africa (AfICTA) is a private sector led alliance of ICT associations, multinational corporations, organizations and individuals in the ICT sector in Africa. Its mission is to promote multi-stakeholder engagement that will promote accelerated and ICT-enabled development in Africa and the use of modern technologies including mobile, computing and satellite technologies to achieve an information society in Africa . For more information visit: https://aficta.africa/

About the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 1958 as one of the five regional commissions of the UN, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. (ECA order). to promote economic and social development Member Statesfostering interregional integration and promoting international cooperation for the development of Africa. ECA is made up of 54 Member States and has a dual role as a regional branch of the UN and as a key part of the African institutional landscape.

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