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Ebene Magazine – WhatsApp: treatment temporarily relaxed if you ignore the new terms of use

WhatsApp is currently pushing and urging users to agree to the new terms of service. This is the second time that I have received a pop-up message about the new terms of service. These come into effect on May 15 and are highly controversial for the purposes of expanded data exchange options with parent company Facebook. But what if you don’t agree to the new terms before the deadline? Well: until now you had a choice to accept later, according to Facebook’s plans. They wanted to continue to allow calls and notifications for a limited period of time. In the app, however, new messages cannot be read or sent. Backups can also be performed. The basic functionality of WhatsApp would then be at the end. It should now be possible to reply to received messages for the time being.

Although the German FAQ is still at the above status, the English FAQ has already made changes to this descriptor. So now the new credo is that no one loses their account, but also that the functionality of WhatsApp is not lost. At least the basic functions should be kept, all the functionality of WhatsApp is only returned if you agree to the terms in retrospect.

What exactly will restricted use look like after May 15? From this moment, there is no more access to the discussion list. Incoming phone and video calls can be answered, and missed calls can also be called back. Proactive message writing also doesn’t work, but notifications can be received. You can then reply to these messages, for example that you can be reached in the future via another messenger such as Signal or Threema. ????

After a few weeks, however, the grace period is over. After that, you get really insistent with the demands of the new conditions. Later, neither calls nor chats work. Only chat histories can then be exported. Without your intervention, the account is then inactive and historical after approximately 120 days. In the said period, you can row again and surrender to the new conditions.

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Everything has just been postponed indefinitely, according to English-language news services.
So don’t panic! However, I recently switched to Signal.

Is there a tool to migrate all chats with photos and videos to another app?
I have 30 GB there.
I think I’ll keep the app just so I can access the data even though everyone is gone.

But not to Telegram!
But thanks for the tip, Towarishch.
You should go to Signal the same way: https://macwire.de/so-ubendung-sie-whatsapp-chats-an-signal-messenger/

I took a rooted Android phone, installed WhatsApp there, then sent the chats, private key and everything needed to the PC and with WhatsViewer (open source tool on the internet) a way to read all chats. I finally deleted WhatsApp and am at Signal. 95% of my contacts too, by the way. You still use WhatsApp, but I don’t care as long as I can write with you.

@ Alex: If it’s just being able to access the data every now and then, you can just export it and store it somewhere separately. Chet histories are simple text files and images and videos are saved in the format respective. With such amounts in particular, you only look in there every jubilee year anyway.
And if you really want to change, there is no point in keeping your WhatsApp account either, because as long as it is, other people will still see you as if you are still using WhatsApp. Of course you can, but the question is how serious you are with such a change.

Thanks for the article, I uninstalled Whats App for six months, but I would still like to export and backup my old data and conversations. So I will install it again in the days to be able to call everything. Without the article, I would have missed it.

What else do you want to save if the app and associated chats etc. are also deleted?

This is what it looks like, everything is / was in iCloud backup, which I could easily import again after reinstalling the app. ????

So now I am away from WhatsApp. With Signal there is a good alternative which is already very common in my environment. In fact, there is no reason to stay with WA any longer.

My problem is the club group chats. There is no WhatsApp to Signal bridge, is there?

Element has bridges to a number of messengers including Whatsapp. Certainly a bit complex. If the club chat was working or bridged to Element, everyone could use their favorite messenger and be good

No, unfortunately that will never happen. Matrix has a bridge to WhatsApp, but from what I’ve read it’s quite complicated and uses the undocumented interface of WA’s web interface.

Well, you can create the group on Signal and then call a link to the group and send it to the old WhatsApp group. The people who are already with Signal are then immediately in the new group and the others can then download directly

Where can you see if you have already given your consent? (Uncle is afraid he didn’t do it …)

I don’t know if you can see it anywhere, but if your uncle hasn’t responded to the report yet, a memory will surely come back once or another. If he may have already refused to give his consent and the provider is in fact switching to feature restriction (which I can’t really imagine at the moment), he’ll surely notice that, too. Then you can still see the best way to do it, until then he shouldn’t be driving himself crazy. And look at it this way, sometimes you need a helping hand to change something, and who knows what the point is …

Whatsapp offers an option that makes consent unnecessary. This is called deleting the account.
In circles of self-confidence, the hijacking of WA and FB has already taken place.

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