Home » Health » Eating Tofu: The Secret to Okinawa’s Low Cancer Rate – Expert Reveals 5 Major Benefits

Eating Tofu: The Secret to Okinawa’s Low Cancer Rate – Expert Reveals 5 Major Benefits

Cancer prevention gift|Okinawa has the lowest cancer rate in Japan. Locals often eat a cheap food. Expert: Containing one nutrient has 5 major benefits. – Sky Post – Health – Tumor and Cancer – D230608

Healthy; Gourmet; Cooking; Girls

Cancer prevention gift|Okinawa has the lowest cancer rate in Japan. Locals often eat a cheap food Expert: Containing one nutrient has 5 major benefits- Sky Post – Health – Tumor and Cancer

Cancer is the number one killer of Hong Kong people. Developing good daily diet and living habits may keep cancer away. Recently, the National Cancer Research Center of Japan found that Okinawa has the lowest cancer rate in Japan, and the eating habits of Okinawans who love tofu may be the main reason for the low cancer rate. Added in the same field: S

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Tumors and Cancer





Health Tumors and Cancer

Health problems, topics for girls, common sense of cooking, food, cancer, arteriosclerosis, lung adenocarcinoma, estrogen, Okinawa, diabetes, breast cancer, cholesterol, high blood pressure, nutrients, Japan, colorectal cancer

Health care, health problems, substantive words, columns (content), topics for girls, diet, cooking information, common sense of cooking, consumption, consumption types, gourmet food, health care, health problems, cancer, substantive words, disease/pain/ Injury/symptom, arteriosclerosis, entity word, disease/pain/injury/symptom, lung adenocarcinoma, entity word, harmful chemical/drug, estrogen, entity word, area and region, Okinawa, entity word, disease/pain disease/injury/symptom, diabetes, entity word, disease/pain/injury/symptom, breast cancer, entity word, disease/pain/injury/symptom, cholesterol, entity word, disease/pain/injury/symptom, high blood pressure ,Entity Words,Nutrient,Entity Words,Geography and Area,Japan,Entity Words,Disease/Pain/Injury/Symptom,Colorectal Cancer

health, gourmet, cooking, girls

Tofu Cancer Okinawa Soybean Isoflavones Breast Cancer Japanese Cancer Rate Habit Expert Women’s University Nutrients Soy Sauce Products Diseases Regional Patterns Sunny Post Diet Professor Keiichi Nakagawa Resident Estrogen Miso Parity Risk Director Yukio Iemori

2023-06-08 22:49:11

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