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Eating this superfood lowers the risk of cancer

The feeding is a key aspect in the operation of the organism of any person. Carry out a healthy, complete and balanced diet that allows incorporating the vitamins, Essential minerals and nutrients are key to ensuring a good lifestyle. Thus, it is also important to highlight the consumption of certain superfoods.

One of these superfoods is mushrooms, a food of plant origin that stands out among other things for its high content of vitamin D. Although, a new study carried out in the United States ensures that the consumption of this food helps reduce the risk of cancer .

In addition, mushrooms also stand out for their important nutritional value. Thanks to their intake, we incorporate vitamins such as vitamin C or group B vitamins into the body. They provide proteins, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

A superfood that reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer is one of the most serious and deadly diseases that humans have to live with today. However, even in this pathology, food has something to say.


A research work headed by researchers from the Penn State School of Medicine (United States) and published in the prestigious journal ‘Advances in Nutrition‘, ensures that regular consumption of mushrooms helps reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer.

Specifically, to ensure these facts, researchers have analyzed 17 previous cancer studies published between 1996 and 2000. Likewise, they have also used the data of 19,500 cancer patients, in addition to the relationship between the consumption of mushrooms and the risk of cancer.

Thus, the researchers verified how people who ate 18 grams of mushrooms a day had a 45% lower risk of developing some type of cancer, compared to people who did not eat this type of food. A fact that shows the virtues of mushrooms as a superfood.

From the Penn State School of Medicine they explain that “mushrooms are the highest dietary source of ergothionein, which is a unique and powerful antioxidant and cell protector. Replenishing antioxidants in the body can help protect against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of cancer.

Of all the linked cancers, the scientists found the strongest associations with breast cancer, in relation to mushroom consumption.

In conclusion, the researchers argue that “overall, these findings provide important evidence for the protective effects of fungi against cancer. Future studies are needed to better identify the mechanisms involved and the specific cancers that may be affected. ‘

Why is it good to eat mushrooms?

In addition, from the evidence found by this study, the consumption of mushrooms is widely beneficial for health. It is a key superfood for the health of the immune system, thanks to its complete nutritional structure.

If mushrooms stand out for something, it is because they are one of the few food sources of vitamin D. Precisely, experts such as Dr. Michael F. Holick, from Boston University (United States), attribute properties to this vitamin to reduce the risk of Cancer.

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