Followed – Zahraa Khalifa
Since ancient times man has always been in search of natural materials used in the treatment of diseases. Nigella sativa is one of the most important herbs known for its ability to protect the body from many diseases. that protect you from disease.
The most important advantages of the black seed:
improve memory
Nigella sativa is associated with increased intelligence, so take it daily on an empty stomach to improve brain function and is very helpful for older people to improve their weak memory.
Nigella sativa is very useful for controlling blood sugar levels in type diabetes and affects how the body uses and regulates blood sugar.People with diabetes can take nigella oil with black tea on an empty stomach to achieve desirable results.
strengthening of the heart
Nigella sativa keeps the heart healthy by controlling the bad cholesterol levels in your body and you need to consume Kalonji oil with milk regularly for good results.
reduce inflammation
Nigella sativa has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat various chronic infections and is known to treat joint pain by providing lubrication between the joints and reducing inflammation.
blood pressure control
A teaspoon of black seed oil can control blood pressure, especially high blood pressure, by drinking a teaspoon of black seed oil with warm water.